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In This Issue
Golf Outing Announced
HCM 2010 Webinars
SDITE Elections
Know Your Officers
Next Edition
Important Dates 

April 25 - 27: 
 Lifesavers Conference in Louisville, KY

June 6:
KYSITE Golf Outing

April 15 - 18, 2012:
Great Lakes ITE / Southern District ITE Annual Meeting
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The Changing Face of Transportation


The Spring Meeting is March 18 -- which may be today if you're reading this on Friday.  We hope that you enjoyed the meeting.  We'll have a re-cap of the meeting for the next newsletter.

Between now and then, contact us at anytime if you have idea for an article or would like us to share something.

- KYSITE Officers
Golf Outing Announced

The KYSITE Golf Outing will be on June 6, 2011 at Juniper Hills in Frankfort, KY.  The outing will start @ 1:00.Juniper_Hill

More information will be provided in upcoming newsletters. In the meantime, please add this to your calendar!!

HCM 2010 WebinarsITE Prof Dev


International ITE is hosting webinars regarding the soon-to-be-released HCM 2010.  There are a total of 11 webinars @ a cost of $109 webinar.  More information can be found on the ITE site.


KYSITE is interested in hosting / coordinating these webinars; however, we need your help.  


If you (your company / agency) is interested in attending or hosting one of these webinars, please send a message to    

SDITE: 2011 Elections!


SDITE logo
SDITE Members: You should have received an emailyesterday regarding SDITE Elections. Candidates include:

President: Becky White (Alabama)
Vice-President: Martin Bretherton (Georgia)
Secretary / Treasurer: Thomas Swanson (Deep South) or Kirsten Tynch (Virginia)
International Director: Rick Day (South Carolina) or Bob Mabry (Deep South) or Daniel Turner (Alabama)

Bios and statements can be found on the SDITE website. Each candidate has served their Section as well as the District with dedication for many years.  

The winners will be announced at the SDITE Annual Meeting in Lafayette, LA early next month.

Best of luck to each candidate!


Get to Know Your Officers (Part 6)

The sixth profile of your 2011 Officers is the last (but not least) of your 2011 Directors.  If you know Steve, you know he doesn't mind talking a bit.  We hope you enjoy his responses!Steve Cummins


Name: Steven W. Cummins, PE


Place of Work: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government

Title: Traffic Signal Systems Manager

Degree(s): BSCE @ UK in 1992

Certification: PE (KY); Cummins Consulting Services (CCS), Owner (est.2004)

Place of Birth: Dayton, OH

Family: Wife: Tabitha; Sons: Chris (20), Andrew (16), Aaron (12)


1. Why did you want to be an officer of KYSITE?:

I enjoy meeting my fellow colleagues and being involved in a worthwhile organization that focuses on the human aspect of its members.


2. What do you do day-to-day?:

M-F, 8-6 ... I oversee all aspects and operations of the Lexington signal system and traffic management center. After hours and weekends, I own and operate CCS, a fully licensed consulting firm that specializes in data collection for larger engineering firms.  CCS has experience with 4000+ hours of turning movement counts across Kentucky.


3. What are your technical interests?:

People ... everything else will take care of itself in the grand scheme of things.  I love quotes ... so here you go: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Gandhi


4. What are your hobbies?:


A. Living life with my lovely bride and best friend Tabitha

B. Enjoying whatever life dishes out

C. Watching any activities involving my boys (baseball, bowling, video games, or just hanging out with them).


5. Favorites:

Color: Blue ... is there any other color? ... well, Black (for cars)

Movie: Doesn't matter as long as I get to watch it with Tabitha.  We love movies at home ... it's our time ... the Rocky saga ranks near the top.

Music: Sarah McClachlan and any other music that makes you "Feel Alive" ... even opera or rap .. on occasion : )


6. Five Quick Questions:

A. Coke or Pepsi: Coke

B. Dogs or Cats: Dogs Only

C. Telephone or Email: Telephone

D. Pen or Pencil: Pen, your initial though is right anway ... why erase it?

E. Cats or Cards: Who are the Cards?  UK has a Joker ... does that count?


7. Other Information to Share:


A. Just after college, following the birth of Andrew, money was tight.  My engineering job was not providing me the funds necessary to pay all of the bills and diapers / formula were expensive, so I looked at pretty much anything that would make me money.  One day while ' dumpster diving for aluminum cans' near campus, I was knee-deep in a dumpster and a couple of fellow UK grads came by and said "Steve, what are you doing?" I replied, "This does much faster with three people."  The response ... "No, we're good."  I taught myself a valuable lesson that day.  Pride does not put food on the table or diapers on your baby's bottom.  Go the extra mile ... you are worth it!


B. In my spare time, after my full-time with the LFUCG, and following my work with the other firms ... you know, spare time, I clean office buildings at night whenever there are staff call-ins, etc.  My wife and I own Executive Janitorial Services of Kentucky (est. 2007), a commercial cleaning company.  We have contracts with companies ranging from car dealers, engineering companies, painting services, bowling alleys, dental facilities, and maybe your office in the future...give me a call, we'd love to clean your toilets : )


C. One final quote, "The greatest reward for a man's dedication to excellence it not what he gets for it, but what he becomes through it."  God Bless.

      In the Next Edition... 
Coming Soon 

- Spring Meeting Summary

- Meet International ITE Officer Candidates

- Final Officer Profile


Thanks for your continued support of KYSITE!  

2011 KYSITE Board