Welcome to the weekly ENewsLetter provided by the Somerset Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce. We hope you find this enewsletter to be helpful and informative to the events and activities that are going on in our community.
Please forward the ENewsLetter to coworkers, family and friends too!
Somerset Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce |
Upcoming Chamber Luncheons
July 6 - Speaker - Dave Adkisson - President and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.
TWO for TUESDAY Promote your business for 2 Minutes at the Microphone
How would you like to be able to promote your business in front of approximately 200 - 250 potential customers?
Here is how it works! Two Chamber members per month at the Chamber Luncheon on the First Tuesday of each month may sign up to participate.
Two minutes on the Agenda - An opportunity to give enticements tat will get other chamber members interested in your business. (We will also feature your business in the E-Newsletter)
2 Members - 2 minutes (Two for Tuesday) to profile their business during the luncheon. Cost - $100. Contact the Chamber for further details...
US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is on Facebook
I'm not sure if you're on Face Book, but I would
like to let you know Senator McConnell just launched his Facebook page. I would like to invite you to
join. Go to http://www.facebook.com/mitchmcconnell
and click the "Like" button at the top of the page. Doing so
will allow you to keep up with the latest news and alerts from Washington, as
well as
updates on things happening within your community.
Thanks. Donna McClure Eastern KY Field Representative US
Senate Leader Mitch McConnell
Congratulations to Pauls Discount on a very successful
celebration of 50 years in business. |
Animal Shelter Graduates
 KYP & her 3 pups. Each pup is available for
adoption through our local Pulaski County Animal Shelter -
We are hoping the 3
adopting families will be interested in being a part of a book as a
fundraiser for the Pulaski Puppy Program. Your Pup will be followed for 6 to 12 months -
just pictures every couple weeks and minimal information from the owners
- You can be in the book or just your new canine family member. There
will be a possible video filming also of the pups as they grow.
606-875-3700 or 606-679-6432 to get more info or to
see puppies - 2 boys and 1 girl. This is a picture of their Mommy |

Can you believe that it's already that time of year to start Cruising again?
This year is the 10th Anniversary for the Somernites Cruise.
May 21-22 June 25-26 July 23-24 August 27-28 September 24-25 October 22-23 |

"Chamber Member Exclusive OFFER"
Does your home have an area that seems darker than you would like?
Additional lighting will brighten your home-
seemingly letting the spring sunshine in.
install and design
sophisticated style and function by highlighting:
reading areas,
architecture and
Recessed lighting creates clean ceiling lines that
open up a room and makes the room feel more spacious. Chamber Members: Mention this
ad for your 10% Discount* 606-843-0416 / 606-679-0080 *Offer not valid with any other discount. Expires 6-30-2010.
"We Have The
Power To Make Things Better!®