Operation Support Our Troops - America
Letter of the Week:  September 10, 2012

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It takes many items to fill a 25 lb box.  We keep our shelves stocked with items donated by caring Americans like you.  One of the ways that we replenish the stock that we really need is by hosting Shop & Drops at local stores.   Our members stand at the store and hand out a list of items that we need, shoppers purchase those for the troops then hand them to us as they walk out of the store.   Next weekend, Sept 15-16 we are hosting one at the Jewel Store in Carol Stream (the corner of Army Trail and County Farm Roads).  Please encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to stop in and donate some items for the troops.  Without items on our shelves, we cannot pack those amazing 25 pound packages!

Thank you for your generous care package received by my company while on deployment in SW Asia. The items selected in the care package were all useful and pertinent and truly made the lives of my Soldiers easier, giving them a little taste of home.


For me and my Soldiers, this is the second and third deployment overseas. The care packages from generous organizations like Operation Support Our Troops America have a significant impact on morale, and lets the guys and gals know that good folks like yourself still take the time out of their day to recognize the sacrifice by each and every one of us while on deployment.


Responding to your specific inquiries, the care package arrived in fine condition, with all of the contents sound. As far as our return back to the states, that will be next spring / early summer.


Again, my greatest appreciation from all of the B Company 1-106th Aviation "Mad Dogs."  



CPT Peter 
Greetings to all.  Just received your latest package and wanted to thank you for your consideration.  This was a well stocked surprise that came at the perfect time.  Thanks again. 