Operation Support Our Troops - America 
Letter of the Week:  January 30, 2012




As the temperatures around us fluctuate, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to support our troops.  The last letter is from a young man who wants to show them how grateful he is.  It's not difficult to write a letter of appreciation, it just takes a few moments of your time.   You can even email it back to us and we'll print it.

Let's show our troops that America has NOT forgotten them.
    Thank you for sending the packagve to me here at Bagram AFB in Afghanistan. I received it last week in excellent condition. I have received many packages from folks back home but yours stood out for how everything was packed and the items which were included.


    I am the ophthalmologist here and see troops from all over the country. I give out the items to those primarily at the forward operating bases when they are here for a medical problem or are accompanying someone else who has a medical problem.


    I am just about done with my tour and will be heading home soon. Thanks for all you do for the troops , especially the younger ones who have not been away in this type of environment before. It means a lot to them to receive these packages and to know others care for them.


    Thank you very much.


COL Randall,  USAF
LOTW AIr Force Seal
I wanted to thank you for all of the things ALL of you sent to me.   I wrote down one Military personnel on the sheet I was given to sign him up to receive things from you all.
He is actuallly on a team with a lot of other men serving in the Army who go outside the wire most of the time and never have the opportunity to do a lot of things that some of us are lucky enough to do, i.e. shop on spare time.  So I thought I'd make you aware of the team he works with.  That could be a place to send some packages, that way they all can have an opportunity to receive things from you all.  Again, thank you for supporting us, it means a lot to all of us.

SPC Nichole
And here's a special letter going out to our troops:

Dear Brave Soldier,

Hello, I am an eighth grader from Eisenhower Junior High in Darien.  I wrote this letter to you because I am so grateful for your service to our country.   In my school we do this thing called Make a Difference Day.  This letter is my contribution to you and I hope that this makes a difference in your day.  I am so honored that you are willing to sacrifice your life for all the people in the U.S.  I know being away from your family is hard but don't worry, we are all supporting you.  I appreciate all of your hard work.   I had a cousin who was an Air Force Jet Pilot.   I hope this letter will make your day.  Also I wish the safest of returns for you.
