Operation Support Our Troops - America
Letter of the Week: September 26, 2011
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 Some of our troops are willing to go the extra mile and do things that really help out OSOT America.   Below is a letter and pictures of one of those soldiers.

This story started a while back when Betty Krupp, our vice president, was asked by a member if we could ship some soccer uniforms.   Betty didn't really know, she asked Annette.   Annette said "If I can find someone to accept them, we'll ship them".  In emailing with one of our members (Sue Callahan) son, the question came up.   He told her that while he didn't often get to leave the FOB (Forward Operating Base) he could get them into the hands of the Afghani children.  OSOT America member Javier Martinez donated the uniforms from Kaneland High School and we shipped them out. So then we asked if he could get rid of some salamis! How's that for teamwork to build goodwill in Afghanistan?   The rest of the story is below.

First of all I want to tell you that we received the soccer shirts and shorts two days ago. They look great and during the next patrol we are going to hand them out to the local children.


As far as the salamis go, I could help distribute a few boxes but I don't know if I could distribute 2000 of them. I will do my best to help give the Soldiers anything you send my way though.


And then they actually distributed the shirts!  This is very interesting, the kids will swarm the troops, so first they get them to line up.

2011_0926_kids in line

  2011_0926_kids waiting for soccer shirts



The kids all took the jerseys and then hid them, like they were gold.

2011_0926_handing out soccer shirts


I look forward to receiving a box of salamis. Never would have thought I would receive that in Afghanistan.


My mom really enjoys helping out, I am glad she is able to contribute to such a good cause.


CPT   Dan

(Little does he know, if it's donated to OSOT America, we'll ship it if we can!)


I have just received your amazing care package. It has definitely brightened up my week. There are so many treats that I most definitely could not keep them all to myself. I distributed some to my battles and it definitely put a smile on all of our faces. As useful and NEEDED as the items are nothing was more heart-felt then the letters and Art Projects that I received. I was so touched that I had to put them up in our clinic. I have also recommended that my battle buddies sign up for this incredible program and bring in their letters so that I can continue to post them on our clinic "Wall of Support." Thank you, thank you, thank you your support means the world to us and really makes a difference.


 I don't have a camera right now but I have the fullest intention to snap a photo and send it to you.

Again thank you,

PFC  Jesse