Operation Support Our Troops - America
Letter of the Week:  June 27, 2011
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If you know anyone currently deployed that is NOT on our mailing list for a box, PLEASE submit their name for a package.   We want all of the troops to know that we have NOT forgotten them.  Our boxes show the troops how grateful we are for their service to our nation.


Remember to sell those concert tickets. The concert is less than three weeks away!


I just wanted to say THANK YOU Very MUCH for the package that

I received. I opened it among all of my section and everyone was able to find something that they wanted.  A package received is a great motivator and brings a smile to all involved.


THANK YOU Again for your support!!!


CW2  Melanie


WOW!! Thank you sooooo very much for the comfort package. I was sooo excited when I was told I had mail. Thank you thank you thank you. I was able to share some of the things inside with my battle buddies. It was sooo awesome. Again, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH from the bottom of my heart.
SPC Valerie

I greatly appreciate the care package you sent me.  I was surprised when I got it and even more surprised to see all of the great things that came in it.  These simple care packages and things put a smile on our faces and make the rest of our day a better and happier one.  Many of us took these simple items like canned foods & snacks for granted, so we appreciate it a lot more being out here in the desert.   Everything in the care package was great and I tried to reply to everyone that put a letter in the care package as well.  It is close to summer time now, so the temperatures here are around 100-120 degrees.  It would be great if this place was the beach, but there is only sand and no water so we are just going to have to wait until we get home to enjoy summer and waterparks.


Please let everyone know that we are grateful for all of the care and support from so many people back at home.  It reminds us of who & what we are fighting for.  Every one of us is proud to fight for our country and to keep everyone at home safe.  I will be leaving in September.  Thank you again for all of your support.


Best regards,

SGT Tony