November 2011

TOurism Update winter header

Welcome to the Exmoor Tourism Update 

This e-update is produced by the Exmoor National Park Authority as part of the Exmoor Tourism Partnership to keep tourism providers updated with the latest news and to encourage the development of Sustainable Tourism on Exmoor.


Please do let us know if there is any relevant sustainable tourism information that you would like us to cover in future issues.

Dan James
Sustainable Economy Officer,
Exmoor National Park Authority.
Annual tourism conference - BOOK NOW!

The annual tourism conference for Exmoor is this year held at the White Horse Hotel in Exford on the 23 November 2011 from 10am-4pm. This is an annual opportunity for as many tourism providers as possible to gather together to share views, learn about new initiatives and gain new ideas. Visit England will be attending to provide a keynote session, as well as Lucy Ball from Destionation Management & Marketing to talk about businesses working together to fund improvements. 


There will be a choice of workshops with something for all including legal matters, marketing masterclass, winning on the web, making the most of the Coleridge Way, beating the bills and rewarding sustainable practices. The cost is just �12 per person including lunch and refreshments.


Advanced booking is essential - don't delay!

InspirationWorkshopsNews updatesNetworking

In This Issue
Tourism Conference - BOOK NOW!
Tourism Business Survey
Spectacular Journeys
International Dark Sky Reserve
National Park Management Plan Review
Coleridge Way on the web
Lynmouth Pavillion update
Exmoor Unplugged
Business resiilience

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Do you want to catch up on past editions? Back issues can be downloaded here.
Tourism Business Survey

Have your sayWe want to hear your views! On behalf of the Exmoor Tourism Partnership the National Park Authority is once again conducting an annual tourism business survey. The more responses we get, the greater the value of the results in making sure we do all we can to support tourism within the area. We appreciate there are many surveys a year - however this is the only opportunity to get data specific to the Exmoor area. As an added incentive one lucky participant will be automatically chosen at random to receive a �20 voucher to spend in an Exmoor National Park Centre.


Your views count - make them known!

Spectacular Journeys

300 bus videoA series of videos have been produced by the South West Tourism Alliance to highlight some of the most spectacular journeys that can be experienced by public transport in the area.

A recent addition follows the Exmoor Coastal Link 300 service from Minehead across Exmoor to Lynmouth.

You can view the video here (double clicking on the video will enlarge it and allow you to access others in the series). Feel free to embed within your own websites to encourage greater use of public transport.
Exmoor International Dark Sky Reserve

Dark sky Reserve logoThere has been significant interest and press coverage in Exmoor's dark skies following the announcement in October that the National Park has been designated as Europe's first ever International Dark Sky Reserve.


Tourism providers in the area can use, without alteration, the new Dark Sky Reserve logo to highlight the designation and you may like to link through to this page which will be added to shortly.


A new Dark Sky Reserve pocket guide is currently being produced and we hope to launch this at the ETP conference (see above).

National Park Management Plan review

NPMPThe National Park Management Plan is the key policy document for the National Park and is a document for the area and not just the Authority and as such has relevance to all those that live in, work in or simply enjoy the area and it helps to direct the resources and activities of the numerous organisations and people that are involved with Exmoor.


With the current plan covering the period 2007-2012 work is well underway in producing its successor - a Partnership Plan for Exmoor 2012-2017. Views gathered over the last year are being used to prepare the draft Partnership Plan which will be consulted on very shortly and you are encouraged to take part in the process. For more information please click here - this page will be updated soon with full consultation details.

Coleridge Way on the web

ColeridgeThe Coleridge Way website has been redesigned and re-launched with better integration to the new Visit Exmoor site. Launched in 2007 the Coleridge Way is a 36 mile long distance route linking the Quantock Hills AONB with Exmoor National Park following the footsteps of the romantic poet Coleridge. Visit the site for more information at

Lynmouth Pavilion update

Lynmouth PavillionPlans for the redevelopment of the Lynmouth Pavilion as an iconic National Park Centre have now been drawn up and submitted for Planning Permission. If granted initial work will begin this Spring, before a break over the main summer season and redevelopment work continuing into 2013. The redevelopment will be funded by the National Park Authority with generous support from the Invest in Devon funds arising from the sale of Exeter Airport. The redevelopment offers a tremendous opportunity to boost tourism in the immediate Lynton and Lynmouth area and across the National Park.

Exmoor Unplugged

ebikesThe first 3 trial electric bikes are now available for hire as part of the Exmoor Unplugged scheme, run by Climate Action West. Two are based in Dunster, and one based in Nether Stowey (alongside a normal bike).


This is the first stage of the project which will see electric bikes available across Exmoor and the Quantocks to hire, alongside GPS units and recommended routes. Download the flier for more details.

Business resillience

Two forthcoming events are aimed at supporting business resilience.

Business, energy and collaboration is a free half day conference on the 22 November 2011 at the Genesis Centre in Taunton from 9.15am to 1.30pm aimed at all businesses. The session will provide you with information on renewable energy, case studies from other businesses who have invested in low carbon technology and renewable energy and the benefits they have achieved and see real examples of money saving, low carbon energy in action with a tour of the innovative Genesis Centre in Taunton. For information and to book


Preparing to Prosper: building resilience to change is being held by the Climate SouthWest Tourism Sector Group at the Met Office on 7th December 2011. The conference will be aimed at organisations and individuals who work with tourism businesses, including trade associations, strategic bodies and business support groups. As well as improving delegates' understanding of climate adaptation issues and the tools that are available to build resilience, the event will have a strong focus on positive communication methods. To register your interest in attending please email: