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North Star alum Garrett Lebby publishes book
about camp. March
sales to benefit Camp for All Kids.
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Camp for All Kids tribute cards now available.
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pinecone Meet a Former Camper: Davia
Davia Douglas alum from ChippewaDavia grew up in Chicago and received a campership to Chippewa Ranch Camp for nine summers. She is currently a student at Indiana State University and will be returning to Chippewa as a counselor this summer.
What benefits did you get from going to camp?
I went to a diverse elementary school and very diverse high school. Kids tended to hang with others who looked like them or came from their own neighborhood. But camp had taught me to be open and to relate to others. I had already discovered that similarities are deeper than differences on the surface.
And now, what does camp mean for you?
Even during the school year, my camp friends and I are together most weekends. But more importantly, now I see how it all comes together in my life. None of this could have happened without Camp for All Kids.

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pinecone B'nai Mitzvah Projects Are Sending Kids to Camp
Campers recognize the benefit of having diversity at camp too and many have chosen to help Camp for All Kids for their Mitzvah project. Read more
pinecone Kamaji Alumna Starts Campus
Chapter of Camp for All Kids
Claire Burton student campus chapter leader University of GeorgiaClaire Bruton, a senior at the University of Georgia attended Camp Kamaji from 1998-2005 and considers camp her second home. At Kamaji, Claire was a cabinmate and counselor to campership recipients and was able to see first-hand the positive influence Camp for All Kids has campers.

Claire has donated to Camp for All Kids but wanted to make a bigger impact financially. She and another UGA friend recently started a campus chapter that is 40 members strong and growing. They have held two meetings and are  planning fundraising events on campus. They are hoping that their campus chapter is a model for other campus chapters, and that they are able to send many more deserving kids to camp.

Discovering Similarities. Celebrating Differences