April 8, 2011
Historic Riverside Cemetery Conservancy
In This Issue
Full Moon Euphoria
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Full Moon Euphoria 2012

looms large on the horizon!

A unique photographic opportunity

Friday, April 6*                     photo credits Michael Williams 

6:30 -11:00 pm


Novice, amateur and professional photographers alike are welcome! This is your opportunity to compose unique and evocative photos at dusk and by moonlight at historic Riverside Cemetery.


Experiment with long and multiple exposures to create awesome special effects. Try "painting" with light using flashlights to illuminate subject matter. Professionals will be on hand to instruct and advise you. Security is provided.


Limited to 40 participants on a first-registered basis. Must be 18 years of age or older. Fee is $30; couples pay $50.


To register, call or come by office at 66 Madison Street, 478-742-5328.

email conservancy@riversidecemetery.com 


*Rain date is Saturday, April 7  


Behind the Golden Doors



Flikr Photos from Full Moon Euphoria 2010 


Flikr Photos from Full Moon Euphoria 2009 


Thanks to all who came to our Spring Spirit Stroll!
We enjoyed sharing our beautiful sculpture garden, serene green space and living history with 220 visitors!
 See more photos here on Flickr
A Beautiful Spirit
A Beautiful Spirit entrances

Protecting Mom
Hey, don't point that thing at our Mom!






We Need Your Support:
Donate, Join, or Volunteer

Conservancy trees logo
The Conservancy exists to preserve, to enhance and to share the beauty and history of Riverside Cemetery for the benefit of future generations. Join our efforts and enjoy our public programs!


In addition, the Conservancy builds endowments to secure the long-term stability of the cemetery. We received a 501 (C) 3 non-profit designation from the IRS in December of 2005. All donations are tax deductible.


You can become a member of the Historic Riverside Cemetery

Conservancy by purchasing an annual membership at any of the

following levels:

  • Student Supporter.....................$10
  • Individual....................................$25
  • Dual/Family.................................$40
  • Gingko Gardener..........................$100
  • Earthwork Angel.........................$250
  • Gate House Guardian...................$500
  • Ascending Advocate....................$1,000
  • Calvert Vaux Society....................$5,000
Benefits include: membership card, newsletters, self-guided tour map...


and knowing that your continued support will help preserve one of the community's most treasured landmarks!


Fill out the membership form & mail to HRCC to become a member today!


Contact us at (478) 742-5328 for more information.