Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Webinar
Webinar, August 6
PACEnow, a non-profit focused globally on accelerating energy efficiency upgrades to buildings using Property Assessed Clean Energy, is hosting a webinar to dicuss the Federal Housing Finance Agency's propsed rule on PACE.
MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class
Indianapolis, IN, August 24 - 27
This program teaches you the basic theory and construction of a masonry heater, a necessary step before taking on the task of building masonry heaters.
International Training Seminar Biomass Heating 2012
Linz, Austria, September 10 - 13
This seminar will provide information on local market development and technologies for automatic biomass heating.
MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class
Perth, Ontario, Canada, September 15 - 18
A program to teach theory and construction of a masonry heater.
Maryland Clean Energy Summit 2012
Baltimore, MD, September 17 - 19
A clean energy conference featuring sessions to build business partnerships and professional relationships. The Alliance is helping to build a thermal biomass panel.
Green Festival
Washington DC, September 29 - 30
The Green Festival is an event held in multiple cities that promotes environmentally friendly ideas and products. The Alliance for Green Heat, Tulikivi, HWAM and Caluwe will be sharing a booth at the DC Green Festival and showcasing clean and efficient stoves.
Renewable Energy Conference & Expo
Burlington, VT, October 1-2
This is the largest renewable energy conference in the state, and is rapidly expanding to accommodate growing regional interest.
PA Fall Conference
Harrisonburg, PA, October 2 - 3
PA Biomass Energy Association's first conference on the use of biomass feedstocks for heat, cooling, and power applications.
Mankato, MN, October 7-10
The conference will unite business people, globally to enhance producers, manufacture and entrepreneurs who envision renewable resources as the next economic stimulus for the U.S.
Brussels, BE, October 10
The conference will inform experts and decision makers fro the regional and local level about the economic opportunities offered by energy and environmental clusters.
The World Sustainable Energy Days Conference
Wels/Austria, February 27-March 1, 2013
The World Sustainable Energy Conference is one of the largest annual conferences on sustainable energy in Europe.
Hearth, Patio, & Barbeque Expo 2013
Orlando, FL, March 13-16, 2013
North America's largest indoor-outdoor living showcase.