August 2012
Green Heat NewsAGH logo
Issue No. 36

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Price of Oil

July 24 , 2012: $88.28

July 24 , 2011: $98.97 

Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact:  

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Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities 


What sort of stoves may be on the marketplace in 10 years from now? Are more rapid technology advances needed or achievable? Take this survey and let us know what you think. The results will be in the September issue of the newsletter. Thank you for your participation!



Wood Stoves Included in Energy Audit Standards

Wood stoves are beginning to be formally included in standards used by energy auditors, recommending that old stoves be upgraded. The initiative marks a new strategy by the Alliance for Green Heat in the movement to change-out millions of inefficient and polluting wood stoves.  


The EPA Efficiency Debate: Required or Reported?

The Alliance for Green Heat believes that a minimum efficiency standard is needed. The only question is where the bar should be set and when. Minimum efficiency requirements are becoming standard for major appliances and we believe wood and pellet stoves are better served by being part of the energy efficiency mainstream, not fighting to be outside of it.


Derecho Creates Firewood Bonanza in Mid-Atlantic Region

The derecho storm at the end of June left millions without power. However, this also resulted in a bonanza of free firewood in a part of the country more accustomed to treating firewood as waste than as a valuable, low carbon-fuel. How can this wood be best used?


Wood Stove Exhibit at DC Green Festival

The Alliance is hosting an exhibit of wood stoves at the DC Green Festival on September 29th and 30th. The Festival is heavily attended by residential solar and geothermal companies - and federal agencies and officials. Modern stove technology from Hwam, Tulikivi and Caluwe will be featured. We'll be in booth #1508, on the corner of renewable energy wing. See you there!


Washington Watch          


Congress May Extend Biomass Stove Tax Credit

The 25C tax credit for wood and pellet stoves and boilers that began at $1,500 in 2009, dropped to $300 in 2001, and then expired last January, may return. While nothing is expected to be passed in Congress before the election, a variety of bills could be passed soon after, during what is know as a "lame duck session."


Feature on Sustainability       


Europeans to Demand Pellet Sustainability Standards

Studies conducted by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Pinchot Institute for Conservation say producers of wood pellets in the U.S. will need to meet or exceed sustainability standards set by the European Union and individual European countries.


Feature on Electricity         


When the price of oil goes up, it goes up for everyone. But electricity rates vary widely by state, with residents of some states paying nearly half of what people living in other states pay. How does that difference in electric rates across the nation impact wood heat?


Focus on Firewood          


Pollution Debate Split Over Role of Wet Wood

In a debate over wood smoke pollution, the Bay of Plenty Council- which implements Rotorua, New Zealand's Air Quality bylaw-says wet wood is the least of the city's concerns and it's the type of wood stove used that causes 99 percent of air quality issues. 


NY Revises Firewood Transport Regulation 

The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) announced earlier this month that the 2009 regulations have been revised and will prohibit movement of untreated firewood to no more than 50 miles from its source.


Pellet News          


PFI June 2012 Wood Pellets Market Update

(Average price per ton)


Northeast: $165-190 range. Operating capacities range from 50-100%. Manufacturers report being behind last year in sales.


Midwest: $145-165 range. Most manufacturers report sufficient raw material availability and poor to average sales volumes.


Southeast: $135-190 range. The majority of manufacturers anticipate an upward price trend.


Northwest & Mountain: $145-148 range. Manufacturers report average to good sales volumes, similar or better than last year.


Woodmaster to Make Swedish Boilers in U.S.

Sweden-based ABioNova and Minnesota-based Woodmaster celebrated their first "Made in America" commercial wood pellet boiler system installations in Minnesota. The international partnership aims to manufacture locally and distribute the European-based technology. 


Featured Product      


Rika's "Como" Pellet Stove
Stiftung Warentest, the leading German consumer magazine, tested fireplaces, pellet stoves and hydronic fireplaces. The RIKA stove "Como" was rated best with the top grade "Good" (2,2). The new "Rika Warm App" enables smartphone owners to control the heat output, the room temperature and the automatic operations of their pellet stove via mobile phone.
From the Newsroom   

AUSTRALIA: In the hopes of encouraging local councils to implement policies that support wood heating, the Firewood Association of Australia Inc. has developed a proposal regarding a pilot program to reduce nuisance wood smoke complaints. 
AUSTRIA: The industrialized Province
of Upper Austria with 1.4 million inhabitant now gets 24% of its energy from renewables and 47% of its heat from renewables. Hydro and biomass make up most of renewables. While solar is growing, it's still not big enough to be listed on the pie chart. 
A Short History of Woodsmoke and Implications for Chile
CHILE: Prof. Kirk R. Smith discusses how Chile and other countries who use wood for heating for a large portion of the households, can experience higher levels of outdoor pollution that can cause significant health impacts. 
UK Renewable Heat Incentive Seeks Input
UK: The Department of Energy and Climate Change is seeking proposals for the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive related budget management and scheme improvements, including biomass sustainability, air quality and changes to the metering requirements. 


Extreme Politics: Proposition Would Gut Clean Air Effort

AK: A ballot initiative would prohibit any regulation of wood burning, from burning painted or treated wood, to installing an unqualified outdoor wood boiler downtown Fairbanks. 


Coast Guard Prepares for Switch to Pellets
AK: The U.S. Coast Guard station in Sitka, Alaska is abandoning oil. The big switch to a wood pellet heating instead of oil, is part of the Coast Guard's effort to become more energy efficient. 


North American Environmental Officials Share Briefings
AK: Officials from the United States, Mexico and Canada meeting in New Orleans were briefed on concerns facing homeland communities, including indoor air pollution in Alaska. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium showed that replacing traditional wood stoves and kerosene heater with modern versions dramatically cut pollution in indigenous villages.
HI: Backyard burning has officially and finally been banned in all of Hawaii's islands. 
MA: MassSave's Heat Loan Program provides 0% loans to install energy efficient improvements. The loans are available up to $25,000 with terms up to 7 years. The customer must own a one-to-four-family residence and have a Mass Save Home Energy Assessment. Efficient wood and pellet stoves are eligible. 
NY: A few years ago, there was a sort of boom in the pellet stove industry. But now the market has sagged. In fact, local companies say the technology needs to get even easier and more user-friendly for more consumers to give it a try.
PA: Findlay Township approved regulations to control outdoor boiler emissions. Pennsylvania already requires Phase 2 outdoor boilers and 50 feet setbacks, but the rural township wanted more protection and increased the property setbacks from 50 to 100 feet and requires a stack 2 feet above any residence within 500 feet. 
TN: U.S. Stove announced the acquisition of the assets of Vogelzang International, a Michigan based company that imports stoves and heaters. The acquisition marks a consolidation of two leading brands known in part for their value products. U.S. Stove and Vogelzang had been primary outlets for exempt stoves.
UT: Utah is looking to cut more emissions, including fireplaces or furnaces in homes.
VT: Two of Vermont's leading energy organizations, the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) and the Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC), are combining efforts to further the advancement of sustainable energy in Vermont and beyond. 
WA: The Spokane Air Agency is offering rebates for a new stove for people who "regularly" heat their homes with old stoves. The application doesn't define "regularly", but it is great to see change-out funds reserved for stoves that are used more than others. They are also collecting useful data about burning habits of those who trade in old stoves. That information will be useful to others.
WV: For the second (or third) time, state legislators entered a bill that would give a $300 state tax credit for a new pellet stove or EPA certified wood stove and an additional one-time tax credit of $300 for wood pellets purchased in West Virginia. 
Quote of the Month 


"For thousands of years, forests have played a crucial role in absorbing and storing whatever carbon is emitted into the atmosphere. And it was smooth sailing until we started pumping record amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere...In terms of battling climate change, forests are tough to beat: they're not waiting for government seed funding or venture capital for research; they don't require a senate supermajority. Forests just need to be allowed to do what they do so well."


-Todd Paglia, E.D. Forest Ethics


Upcoming Conferences and Webinars





Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Webinar 

Webinar, August 6

PACEnow, a non-profit focused globally on accelerating energy efficiency upgrades to buildings using Property Assessed Clean Energy, is hosting a webinar to dicuss the Federal Housing Finance Agency's propsed rule on PACE.


MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class  

Indianapolis, IN, August 24 - 27    

This program teaches you the basic theory and construction of a masonry heater, a necessary step before taking on the task of building masonry heaters.


International Training Seminar Biomass Heating 2012 

Linz, Austria, September 10 - 13

This seminar will provide information on local market development and technologies for automatic biomass heating.    


MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class  

Perth, Ontario, Canada, September 15 - 18     

A program to teach theory and construction of a masonry heater.


Maryland Clean Energy Summit 2012 

Baltimore, MD, September 17 - 19 

A clean energy conference featuring sessions to build business partnerships and professional relationships. The Alliance is helping to build a thermal biomass panel.    


Green Festival 

Washington DC, September 29 - 30

The Green Festival is an event held in multiple cities that promotes environmentally friendly ideas and products. The Alliance for Green Heat, Tulikivi, HWAM and Caluwe will be sharing a booth at the DC Green Festival and showcasing clean and efficient stoves.   


Renewable Energy Conference & Expo

Burlington, VT, October 1-2

This is the largest renewable energy conference in the state, and is rapidly expanding to accommodate growing regional interest.


PA Fall Conference 

Harrisonburg, PA, October 2 - 3

PA Biomass Energy Association's first conference on the use of biomass feedstocks for heat, cooling, and power applications.


Mankato, MN, October 7-10

The conference will unite business people, globally to enhance producers, manufacture and entrepreneurs who envision renewable resources as the next economic stimulus for the U.S. 


Brussels, BE, October 10

The conference will inform experts and decision makers fro the regional and local level about the economic opportunities offered by energy and environmental clusters. 




The World Sustainable Energy Days Conference

Wels/Austria, February 27-March 1, 2013

The World Sustainable Energy Conference is one of the largest annual conferences on sustainable energy in Europe. 


Hearth, Patio, & Barbeque Expo 2013

Orlando, FL, March 13-16, 2013 

North America's largest indoor-outdoor living showcase.  


Please Support Our Work

to ...

The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through paypal here:

A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and July 2012

-- Dr. William & Frances Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation
-- Constellation Energy
-- Family Alliance Foundation
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Takoma Foundation
-- Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private
    Forestry, U.S. Forest Service 

Become a Green Heat Founding Member: Make your donation here  


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