June 2012
Green Heat NewsAGH logo
Issue No. 34

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Price of Oil

May 22, 2012: $91.44

May 22, 2011: $97.06

Source: ycharts.com 

Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact:


Joke of the Month

Who knew creosote was one of the greatest cures on earth? Check out this vintage advertisement here 


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Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities           


Judges Announced for Wood Stove Design Challenge

Some of the nation's top stove, combustion and technology experts make up the judging panel for the Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge. Click here to view the profiles of the first seven Judges. Know someone who would make a great addition to our panel? Please send nominations to challenge@forgreenheat.org.       


Misleading Advertising in the Stove Industry

Ads for "EPA exempt" stoves often use language that may be confusing for most consumers. The Alliance for Green Heat believes that in the upcoming NSPS, the EPA should consider adjusting the way it allows companies to advertise their exempt status.   


Unsafe Stoves Routinely Overlooked During Energy Audits

Energy audits have two primary goals:  

1. Identify how a family can conserve energy and save money and 2. Identify important health and safety issues in the home. Often, the wood stove is overlooked in audits, even though it may be the primary heating appliance in the house and can be a major source of carbon monoxide and a leading cause of house fires. 


Feedback Requested for Wood Stove Energy Audit Checklist 

The Alliance is working on a Wood Stove Energy Audit Checklist to assist residential auditors in providing recommendations to home owners about their wood stoves. Please help us improve it by downloading the draft here and sending any comments or additions to info@forgreenheat.org.      


Featured Report          


Keeping It in the Community: Sustainable Funding for Local Energy Efficiency Initiatives 

Initial investments have already been made by thousands of local governments in energy efficiency initiatives, but most federal funds that have supported them are expiring. Some communities have adopted sustainable funding mechanisms for their energy efficiency investments and pellet stoves and boilers and potential wood systems, could be included. This report describes several of these local funding options.   


Focus on Firewood         


Firewood Auctions in Australia 

The fundraising wood auction is an annual event for many towns throughout Australia during their fall season. Firewood auctions help raise money for schools and help consumers save some money and people might buy it for older people living alone and deliver it to their homes. The wood is cut, split and carted by volunteers. 

John Gulland recommends managing your woodlot sustainably to maximize your long-term firewood harvest. This means selectively harvesting trees to maintain soil quality and a diversity of seed trees and leaving some dead trees for wildlife. You can find the full article in the June/July issue of Mother Earth News.   

Focus on Pellets           


Forest Certification: Opportunity for the Pellet Industry 

Forest certification standards are increasingly important in the pellet industry, but can be confusing to producers and customers alike. Customers are demanding assurances that the wood products they buy are from legal and sustainable sources, but forest certification is an alphabet soup of standards, claims and labels.  


Integrating Wood Heat and the Smart Grid 

(It May Happen Sooner Than You Think) 

At first glance, wood heating has little to do with the smart grid. But check out this video, and its easy to imagine how a mini-CHP residential system run by wood pellets becomes an integral part of the smart grid. This comes from one of our favorite e-newsletters, HeatingHelp.com.    


Larger System Spotlight            


Boston to Host First US Net Zero Transit Center 

Boston, Massachusetts is on the path to having the nation's first net zero transit center, using a combination of solar, geothermal and biomass energy. The facility will be equipped with a 750,000 Btu wood pellet boiler, a solar wall that preheats fresh air and a second-stage ground source heat pump.


From the Newsroom




Family Calls for Carbon Monoxide Alarms After Tragedy

A man in the UK was poisoned by fatal carbon monoxide fumes from the stove that heated his narrowboat, an inquest heard. The family of the victim said his death should lead to the compulsory fitting of carbon monoxide detection alarms to all boats.  



CA: There will be a repeat last November's popular giveaway to help people replace uncertified wood stoves. Last year, the money was gone within 20 minutes and was enough for about 60 stoves.   


CT: A city man was arrested Thursday by warrant for allegedly using an outdoor wood-burning stove in violation of state law. The arrest warrant was obtained based on report from a fire inspector.

MT: Seeley Lake residents can look to the Missoula City-County Health Department for assistance in replacing their outdated wood and pellet stoves this year. The County received a $285,000 grant from the US Forest Service in partnership with Glacierland.  

NH Rebate Program Boosts Bulk Pellet Heating
NH: The New Hampshire rebate program has now committed its funds and is only taking applications for its waiting list.Congrats to all who made this program such a success! 


NY Counties Now Accepting Bids for Firewood  

NY: The Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting bids from homeowners to cut firewood on state forests in Chenango and Madison counties. Sales will be offered through auction.  


NY: The wood pellet and wood chip industry is going to have to grow if regional companies that make and distribute the product are going to stay alive, says a local pellet plant owner. The demand today is not large enough to keep production facilities in business. 


Peninsula Not Affected by Wood Stove Burn Bans 

OR: Burn bans for fireplaces will no longer apply to the North Olympic Peninsula in Oregon due to a law that was passed by the state legislature in March. 


Efficiency Rebates Available for Wood Pellet Boilers 

VT: Residents and business owners in Vermont can receive rebates of $1,000 per system (< 300 MBh) or up to $5,000 for larger systems (300 - 500 MBh) if they switch to central wood pellet boiler/furnace. For the rebate form, click here.


Cash Incentives Available for Wood Stove Tradeouts   

WA: Residents in the Columbia Valley can receive $1000 incentives and utility rebates for trading out old wood stoves. The rebates are limited to homes who use wood as a primary heating source.  


Upcoming Conferences and Webinars 



MAHPBA 2012 Annual Meeting 

Lancaster, PA, June 3 - 4

The Mid-Atlantic HPBA will be hosting their annual meeting featuring courses regarding the business, safety, technical, and sales aspects of the industry.  


NYSERDA's CHP in New York State: The Next Generation

New York, NY, June 20 - 22 

The objectives of the conference are to discuss NYSERDA's System Benefits Charge 4 CHP program, to continue market development and highlight lessons learned from numerous CHP projects.   


Urban Wood Utilization Workshop II 

Washington, DC, June 29

Urban timber accounts for a significant portion of green waste in landfills, but if properly collected and processed, it could provide a host of forest products to use in urban and suburban areas. 


US Department of Energy Biomass 2012

Washington, DC, July 10 - 11

The US DOE's Biomass Program will host its fifth annual conference at the DC Convention Center. This year the focus is on confronting challenges and creative opportunities.     


Pellet Fuels Institute Annual Conference

Mashantucket, CT, July 29 - 31

An opportunity for the biomass fuel industry to gather for three days of educational opportunities, vendor exhibits and networking.


US Biochar Conference

Rohnert Park, CA, July 29 - August 1

A conference designed to advance our understanding of the economic, science, and policy issues related to biochar.


MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class  

Indianapolis, IN, August 24 - 27    

This program teaches you the basic theory and construction of a masonry heater, a necessary step before taking on the task of building masonry heaters.


International Training Seminar Biomass Heating 2012 

Linz, Austria, September 10 - 13

This seminar will provide information on local market development and technologies for automatic biomass heating. The seminar is in English.     


MHA Heater Mason and Development (HMED) Class  

Perth, Ontario, Canada, September 15 - 18     

This program teaches you the basic theory and construction of a masonry heater, a necessary step before taking on the task of building masonry heaters.


Maryland Clean Energy Summit 2012 

Baltimore, MD September 17 - 19 

A clean energy conference featuring sessions to build business partnerships and professional relationships. The Alliance is helping to build a thermal biomass panel.    


Green Festival 

Washington DC, September 29 - 30

The Green Festival is an event held in multiple cities that promotes environmentally friendly ideas and products. The Alliance for Green Heat, HWAM and Caluwe will be sharing a booth at the DC Green Festival and showcasing clean and efficient stoves.   


PA Fall Conference 

Harrisonburg, PA, October 2 - 3

PA Biomass Energy Association's first technical on the use of sustainable biomass feedstocks for heat, cooling, and power applications.    


Photo of the Month             


"Beauty is central to human existence and the enjoyment of beauty is the essence of the good life" says this Danish blog. Here we found a collection of gorgeous pictures of wood heaters, including many beautiful antique cast iron stoves and masonry heaters from Europe. If you click on any of the stove images on this page, you will be taken to a slideshow that has over 200 spectacular 200 of stoves and heaters.  



Please Support Our Work

Thanks To...
The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through paypal here:



A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and November 2011

-- Dr. William & Frances Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation
-- Family Alliance Foundation
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Takoma Foundation
-- Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, U.S. Forest Service 

Become a Green Heat Founding Member: Make your donation here  


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