Weekly Price of Oil
April 24, 2012: $103.10
April 24, 2011: $111.68
Source: ycharts.com
Office Equipment Needed
Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact:
Wood Heat Poster
Wood Heat Posters are available through the Alliance for $10 (plus $3.50 for postage). All sale proceeds are donated to groups supplying wood or pellets to low-income families who cannot afford to sufficiently heat their home. The initiative is coordinated by TARM USA. Please make checks payable to the Alliance for Green Heat and send to:
Alliance for Green Heat 6930 Carroll Ave, Suite 407 Takoma Park, MD 20912
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And stay up to date with all things wood heat. To sign up,
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Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities
Maryland to Launch Wood Stove Rebate Pilot Program
The Maryland Energy Administration is providing $50,000 for a wood stove pilot rebate program. This will provide rebates of $500 or 30% towards the installed cost of a wood or pellet stove. The Alliance is thrilled that the cleanest wood and pellet stoves are finally part of Maryland's renewable energy rebate program!
Wood Stove Design Challenge Application Available
The official application for the Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge is now available on our website. Teams have until December 20, 2012 COD to submit their completed applications. Judges will review applications and select finalists by January 31, 2013. Send any questions or concerns to challenge@forgreenheat.org.
Interested in competing in the Challenge? Use the link here to register your Team's intent to compete. All Teams must register by October 1, 2012 unless they are given a waiver from the Organizer. You can view a list of registered Teams and Sponsors here.
Installation Permits Confuse Consumers and Installers
Like most US states, Maryland has a patchwork of rules for permitting stoves, chimney and fireplaces. Installers sometimes don't pull permits or even inform the customer about permits. When installing a stove, check with your county. Remember, your insurance coverage could be impacted. To our knowledge, only MA, OR, WA and WI have statewide permit requirements.
Washington Watch
EPA Works to Develop Heat Metering Standard
The Alliance for Green Heat is supporting an EPA initiative on how to measure heat. "A heat meter standard is a means to both credibly and accurately measure the environmental, energy and financial benefits generated by distributed clean heating and cooling technologies nationwide," said James Critchfield, director of EPA's Clean Energy Technologies Market Development. "This effort corresponds well with the increased focus on thermal energy at the Federal, state and local levels as our nation transitions to a cleaner and more energy efficient economy." For the EPA announcement, click here.
Yet Another Delay Looms in the NSPS Process
According to the EPA, the draft NSPS proposal has not yet been sent to the OMB because the OMB is backlogged. With this newest delay, the possibility that the publication of these draft regulations will come after the November elections looms larger. Some representatives of the industry say that a Republican victory in November is likely to lead to less strict emission and efficiency requirements in the NSPS.
Focus on Sustainability
Context is Everything: The Debate Continues
A study concludes that biomass energy would increase greenhouse gas emissions. Typically, these studies focus on large scale, agro-industrial systems using biomass for electricity or biofuels. This one was based on a model of securing a staggering 20% of all energy from biomass. Here is a thoughtful response.
Focus on Pellets

Fracking Changes Everything
John Crouch argues that cheap natural gas that serves over half of all US homes and the vast majority of urban ones is a gamechanger. "The rural minority will be 'dying on the vine', potentially strangled by increasing thermal energy costs that eviscerate budgets of households, school districts and rural hospitals."
RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest products industry, began reporting US market prices for wood pellets in the March 2012 issue of Wood Biomass Market Report (WBMR). Wood pellet prices peaked in December at $169/ton and is now on the decline.
Wood fuel is making a comeback in the world, thanks in part to the rising popularity of wood pellets in Europe. Pellet production doubled worldwide from 2006 - 2010, with 85% of the demand from Europe. Markets in Asia and North America could grow rapidly in the future.
From the Newsroom
Alaska May Start Low-Interest Loans for Home Heating
AK: House Bill 312 would provide a loan up to $7500 to homeowners who want to convert their homes to biomass, district heating or electric heat, natural gas or propane. The homeowner must cover the cost of a required inspection to qualify for the program.
Solar Energy in Firewood's Shadow for Heating Homes
AZ: Despite Arizona ranking 7th in the nation for homes that heat with solar power, the number of homes that heat with firewood still outnumbers solar energy by 30 times.
Woodcutting Season Opens in the Tahoe National Forest
CA: Permits for woodcutting in Tahoe National Forest can be purchased beginning May 2. Permits are $15 per cord with a 2 cord minimum and 10 cord maximum. Only dead and down wood may be removed.
IN: Indiana is preparing for two distinct stove changeouts. One will target low-income households and be administered by agencies that manage low-income heating assistance and weatherization programs. Both changeouts will require installation by an NFI- or CSIA-certified installer. For more info, contact Erica Geil egeil@midwesthpba.org.
MA: The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources included biomass thermal in its renewable heating and cooling study. The report assesses its current market status, supply chain, market barriers and and job creation potential. For the full report, click here.
MD: A MD biomass gasifier developer testified on Bill 1004, which passed and will become law. It allows biomass thermal applications using chicken litter to qualify for in-state renewal energy credit. It also addresses the environmental impact of agricultural runoff.
MD: Maryland is beginning to embrace the practice of awarding renewable energy credits (RECs) for thermal energy. RECs used to only apply to electricity but now are for solar thermal, geothermal, etc.
ME: Government assistance and public measures to promote pellet heat will only succeed if consumers see them as cost-saving. Short-term subsidies and pilot programs must inspire others to make similar investments and changes to be considered truly successful.
NH: The New Hampshire legislature is proposing a bill which would provide more money to subsidize renewable energy. This bill would be a real boost to the state's wood industries including Concord Steam.
OR: The 44-year old Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) in Oregon is in jeopardy because local governments which fund the agency are short on money. In its 44-years, LRAPA has seen air quality improve from a haze to breathable air, but its services may fall to the wayside.
Wood Boilers Hearing Gets Heated
RI: A Rhode Island House committee hearing discussed a bill that would prohibit new and existing wood boilers from operating on lots smaller than a quarter-acre.
Biomass Energy Studies Underway at 10 VT Facilities
VT: The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and the U.S. Forest Service are conducting feasibility studies for small-scale biomass systems at 10 public buildings. The program received 34 applications. The study will determine whether a biomass heating system makes sense at that facility.
Polluting Outdoor Wood Boilers on Chopping Block in VT
VT: Uncertified outdoor wood boilers located within 200 feet of a residence, school or healthcare facility must be removed or destroyed by December 31, 2012. VT Air Pollution Control Division is providing financial incentives to replace these polluting units with efficient ones.
WVU's Lights a Fire Under Emerging Firewood Industry
WV: West Virginia University Extension specialist Dave McGill is working with partners to develop a "Friends of Firewood" network which aims to educate firewood producers to use best management practices.
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars
2012 LIFE Statewide Conference
Albany, NY, May 22 - 23
A conference on low-income energy policy. Alliance for Green Heat presents on how LIHEAP can embrace cheaper wood and pellet fuels. Over 30 workshops. $125 - $145 registration fee.
MAHPBA 2012 Annual Meeting
Lancaster, PA, June 3 - 4
The Mid-Atlantic HPBA will be hosting their annual meeting featuring courses regarding the business, safety, technical, and sales aspects of the industry. Early registration ends May 13.
Pellet Fuels Institute Annual Conference
Mashantucket, CT, July 29 - 31
An opportunity for the biomass fuel industry to gather for three days of educational opportunities, vendor exhibits and networking.
US Biochar Conference
Rohnert Park, CA, July 29 - August 1
A conference designed to advance our understanding of the economic, science, and policy issues related to biochar.
International Training Seminar Biomass Heating 2012
Linz, Austria, September 10 - 13
This seminar will provide information on local market development and technologies for automatic biomass heating. The seminar is in English.
Maryland Clean Energy Summit 2012
Baltimore, MD September 17 - 19
A clean energy conference featuring sessions to build business partnerships and professional relationships. The Alliance is helping to build a thermal biomass panel.
PA Fall Conference
Harrisonburg, PA, October 2 - 3
PA Biomass Energy Association's first technical on the use of sustainable biomass feedstocks for heat, cooling, and power applications.