February 2012
Green Heat NewsAGH logo
Issue No. 30

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Weekly Price of Oil

January 31, 2012: $98.46

January 31, 2011: $90.99

Source: ycharts.com 

Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact:


Thank you to Pat Hambrick for donating a laptop last month! 

Strimling Resigns as CEO of Woodpellets.com

Jon Strimling, founder and CEO of WoodPellets.com, the nation's largest on-line retailer of wood pellets and a Board member of the Alliance for Green Heat, has stepped down as CEO of WoodPellets.com. He remains active as a WoodPellets.com board member and consultant to the firm. For more  



Welcome to our newest Research Intern, Diane Peng. Diane is a student at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is studying biology and environmental science and has a passion for sustainable living.  Last year she spent a semester in Norway.   

Wood Heat Poster

Wood Heat Posters are available through the Alliance for $10 (plus $3.50 for postage). All sale proceeds are donated to groups supplying wood or pellets to low-income families who cannot afford to sufficiently heat their home. The initiative is coordinated by TARM USA. Please make checks payable to the Alliance for Green Heat and send to:

Alliance for Green Heat
6930 Carroll Ave, Suite 407
Takoma Park, MD 20912  

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Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities           


Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge

The Next Generation Wood Stove Design Challenge will be launched later this month and run through the fall of 2013. We have been building an impressive list of partners to support it, lawyers to make sure we have dotted our "i"s and crossed our "t"s, and, maybe most importantly, reaching out to dozens of university engineering departments and stove manufactures.  


Why Wood Stove Change-Out Programs Underperform 

Change-out programs are now commonplace in the wood stove community, but often provide fewer benefits than expected and are very expensive. In assessing the effectiveness of change-out programs, the Alliance for Green Heat found a lack of rigorous analysis or debate about how to best achieve air quality improvements. In response, we offer four strategies that might improve change-out programs.      


A Plan to Advance Thermal Biomass in Maryland

The Maryland Wood Energy Coalition, whose members include the Alliance for Green Heat, recently released a 20-page wood heat prospectus. The report provides provides research-based information and policy recommendations to increase the adoption of advanced wood energy technology in Maryland.  



Team Biomass Plunges into Icy Potomac River (VIDEO) 

Supporters of wood, pellet and corn heating plunged into the freezing Potomac River on Jan 14th to raise money for a group that fights global warming. Pictured (right to left): Sat Jiwan Ilke-Khalsa, head of the Takoma Park Corn Heating Co-op, Delegate Heater Mizeur, who introduced a bill in Maryland to incentivize residential biomass heat, Jeremy Crandall and Moira Moynihan, two of Heather's loyal staff, and John Ackerly, head of the Alliance for Green Heat. Click here for more. 


Washington Watch        


Wood Pellet Pricing Now Part of Energy Report 

New Hampshire and Maine now include wood pellet pricing into their state fuel reports.  Meanwhile, the Energy Information Agency in Washington met with a coalition of biomass groups to consider how they can start similar initiatives. In addition to pellet prices, who will be the first to include the price of a cord of wood? States and the Federal government have long spent considerable sums tracking the price of fossil fuels. It's time to do the same for renewables. 


Low-Income Heating Spotlight 

Maine's governor, Paul LePage, blames renewable energy for the state's increasing cost of electricity. He believes using renewable energy will drive the cost of energy in Maine to the top in the nation. The Maine Renewable Energy Association disagrees. 


Consumer Spotlight  

Having a Tree Taken Down? First Look at Checkbooks

If you are having a tree taken down, whether or not you want to keep the wood as firewood, check a reliable rating service like Consumer Checkbooks, which is in many major cities. Rates for tree removals vary hugely. Make sure to get in writing to what length firewood should be cut. Don't worry about them stacking it. You need to split it first. 


Innovation Spotlight  

�koFEN Developing Residential CHP Boiler

�koFEN is busily working on the development of an electricity-generating pellet boiler for private homes. The small CHP plant works with a stirling engine integrated in the pellet heating system. It is expected to deliver 1 kW of electrical energy and to cover the majority of the daily electricity consumption in a household. The stirling engine has low noise and emission levels and is extremely low carbon when operated with sustainably produced biomass. 

Large System Spotlight  

Maine's Colby College Woody Biomass Plant Goes Online

Colby College's $11.25 million biomass plant began operations in late January. It is expected to replace 90 percent of the heating oil used by the college and reduce heating costs by $1.5 million annually. All biomass used in the plant come from a 50 mile radius, keeping trucking to a minimum and promoting the local economy. 


Featured Product 

Turbococina (Turbostove) Developed by Ren� N��ez

From the Newsroom




Senneville's Wood-Burning Fireplaces May Get Axed  

Legislators in Senneville, Quebec are proposing a new bylaw that would require any existing heating system using biomass as the main heat source to be replaced within five years. 




No-Burn-Day Violations Skyrocket

CA: Residents of Central Valley in California continue to use their fireplaces despite issues for No-Burn-Days. Severe air pollution has led to the rise of No-Burn-Days and violations have been skyrocketing. High cost of utilities and a weak economy may be possible reasons why some people are choosing to ignore the rules.  


State Lottery for Wood from Public Lands

CT: Connecticut residents had until February 1 

to enter a lottery that permits winners to harvest inexpensive wood in state forests. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will allow the 150 or so winners statewide to receive permits to cut two cords of state-owned wood. 


As Price of Oil Soars, Users Shiver 

MA: While electricity and gas costs are expected to drop this season, prices of oil are expected to reach record levels this winter. Those who still rely on oil are suffering. Many want to make the switch to natural gas, but are too far from a pipeline or cannot afford the conversion. 


Don't Knock Wood as Energy Source

MD: Derrick Bender from the University of Maryland Extension is conducting a case study that will provide a dollar-to-dollar comparison of the expense of using wood, wind, and sun as alternate energy sources. Already partially through his case study, he says that a wood stove is the best investment of the three alternate energy sources.  


Wood Heat Heats Up as Homeowners Give Boot to Oil  

ME: More and more people in Maine and other states across the United States are switching to wood from oil to heat their homes as oil prices continue to rise. Wood is the fastest-growing alternative to fuel and often saves homeowners 50 percent. 


MN: Have most of us been building our fires upside down? A relatively new approach to fire burning, the "top-down-fire" minimizes smoke pollution and maximizes fuel efficiency. 

NH: Burning wood for energy may seem like an outdated 19th century practice, but today the modern wood stove utilizes standardized fuel with predictable shapes and sizes, allowing fuel to be fed automatically from storage areas. Energy efficiency and soot are concerns with wood energy.

Poor Air Quality May Affect Growth

NH: When it comes to air quality in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire, there's room for improvement. Poor air quality has been linked to particulate matter emitted from wood stoves, but state senators believe improvements can be made by changing wood burning practices.


NY: Electric space heaters will save you very little money when it comes to home heating. Try a wood or pellet stove instead - it will save you a lot of money and shrink your carbon footprint.


Residential Coal Heating Surging     

PA: While coal has none of the environmental and carbon benefits of heating that heating with wood does, it is equally attractive from a cost perspective for families who heat with oil. And, if you live in Pennsylvania, it's also a way to keep your heating dollars local.


Vermont Contributes $6.1 Million to LIHEAP 

VT: Legislative leaders announced that the state would add $6.1 million to the state's LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) to help ensure all Vermonters can afford to heat their homes and stay warm this winter. 


Wood Stove Fee Supports Work, Avoids General Funds

WA: In Washington, an additional $15 fee on the sale of each wood-burning appliance is being proposed to cover the cost of a wood stove education and compliance program. This additional fee would bring the total fee from $30 to $45. 


WA: Spokane County launched a stove change-out program on January 26. Eligible applicants receive a $500-$1000 discount voucher. Funding for the program is expected to cover 125-140 change-outs.       


 Upcoming Conferences and Webinars 

Brentwood, NH February 8 

Pat Coon of ReVision Heat will present on different heating options and show a working pellet boiler. Discount for members of the NH chapter of USGBC. 


February 9, 2PM EST

The U.S. EPA invites the public to participate in a webinar on EPA's upcoming proposed New Source Performance Standards for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, and New Residential Masonry Heaters. For the general public. 


ACI ENERGY STAR for Homes Conference

Saratoga Springs, NY February 8 - 9

New York's leading conference for Energy Star and residential building/retrofitting industries. Early bird rates expire 1/11. 



Verona, Italy, February, 22 - 26

The top European expo for wood and pellet stoves.   


RESNET Building Performance Conference

Austin, TX, February 27 - 29

The Conference is the premier national forum on home energy ratings, commericial builiding energy modeling, and improving the energy effiency of existing home.


Penn State Bioenergy Symposium

State College, PA, February 29

One day symposium focusing on upcoming development in fast growing woody crops and perennial grasses, and likely scenarios for growth of this industry int he coming years. The symposium will also feature poster presentations on Penn State bioenergy research, including an opportunity for attendees to meet and talk with researchers and grad students.


European Pellet Conference

Wels, Upper Austria, February 29 - March 2 

Drawing from more than 600 participants, this year's conference will provide in-depth information and interactive training on technologies, standards, product and service innovation, etc.  


Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo

Atlanta, GA March 1 - 3

More than 350 leading hearth, patio and barbecue manufacturers and suppliers will exhibit and demonstrate their latest products.


Fourth Annual Northeast Biomass Heating Expo

Saratoga Springs, NY March 21 - 23 

This exhibition is the successor to three very successful Heating the Northeast with Renewable Biomass conferences.


Fourth Annual Northeast Biomass Heating Expo: Agricultural Biomass Seminar

Saratoga Springs, NY March 21

An all-day focus on the technical and commercial opportunities and challenges to the wider use of agricultural biomass in heating applications is being offered as a complement to the Northeast Biomass Heating Expo 2012.


Masonry Heater Association Conference

North Carolina, April 17 - 21

This conference is open to MHA members only. For information on how to become a member, click on the link above.


Heating the Midwest Conference & Expo

Eau Claire, WI April 25 - 27

This event will bring together leaders in the biomass thermal renewable energy industry to discuss and formulate strategies for expanding the use of biomass in the Midwest.  


Pellet Fuels Institute Annual Conference

Mashantucket, CT July 29 - 31

Annual opportunity for members of the biomass fuel industry to gather for three days of educational opportunities, vendor exhibits and and networking. Attendees include manufacturers, retailers, industry suppliers, government officials, and more.


US Biochar Conference

Rohnert Park, CA July 29 - August 1

A conference designed to advance our understanding of the economic, science, and policy issues related to biochar as both an amendment for soils as well as an agent to sequester carbon.   

Please Support Our Work

Thanks To...
The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through paypal here:



A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and November 2011

-- Dr. William & Frances Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation
-- Family Alliance Foundation
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Takoma Foundation
-- Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, U.S. Forest Service 

Become a Green Heat Founding Member: Make your donation here  


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