May 2011
Green Heat NewsAGH logo
Issue No. 22
In This Issue
From the Newsroom
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars

Quick Links

Current Wood Heat Incentive Programs 

Residential Bulk-Fed Pellet Boilers Rebate Program: 

New Hampshire

click here

Wood Stove Change-out Program 

Sublette County, WY 

 click here

Wood Stoves and Fireplaces Changeout Program 

Sacremento AQMD, CA  

  click here

Wood Stove Change-out Program  

West Springfield, MA 

   click here


An Alliance for Green Heat Study of these and other incentive program is funded in part by the

Forest Service's Wood Educations Resource Center:

WERC logo

Quote of the Month

"Every man looks at his wood-pile with a kind of affection. I love to have mine before my window, and the more chips the better to remind me of my pleasing work...As my driver prophesied when I was ploughing, they warmed me twice, once while I was splitting them, and again when they were on the fire, so that no fuel could give more heat."


-Henry David Thoreau

Research Fellowship
The Alliance has an opening for a summer Research Fellow. This Fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity to promote renewable energy and delve into policy research.  We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. Come join a small team of advocates who believe in the clean and efficient use of biomass for heating homes and businesses. For more information, click here
Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax deduction. Contact: 

Join Our Mailing List

And stay up to date with all things wood heat. To sign up,

click here 

Dear Friends,   


US energy policy ignores America's favorite renewable: wood heat. 80% of residential renewable energy comes from wood heat and only 15% from solar and 5% from geothermal, according to the Energy Information Agency (EIA), a division of the DOE.  

While scores of programs promote biofuels and to a lesser extent solar and geothermal, the policy vacuum around the renewable that most ordinary Americans rely on is undermining our national energy security - and our air quality.  

Ignoring the technology that creates 80% of our residential renewable energy makes no sense.  It is yet another way to continue supporting big oil companies that import our heating fuel.  While their profits grow, ordinary Americans who want to use cleaner wood heat are still waiting for the DOE to help advance next-generation wood heat.

The Team at Green Heat

Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities


Wood Heat Toolkit Project in Full Swing 

The Alliance is undertaking a major stakeholder engagement process on wood heat incentives and welcomes six new members to its Task Force on Wood Heat Incentives. This 14-member Task Force looks at the environmental, social and energy impacts of wood heat incentive programs. The Task Force represents governmental, industry and non-profit leaders. The new members are; Chris Wiberg, Chris Neufeld, Chris Rice, Rachel Sakata, Melanie Loyzim, and Jeremy Johnson. To read their full bios, click here


Wood Heat Incentive Survey

The Alliance has developed a survey on wood heat incentives to document attitudes and opinions of various stakeholders, from homeowners, hearth retailers to government officials, etc. Please take 8 minutes to complete this important survey. 

The Challenges of Finding a Truly 'Clean' Energy  

The smoke from residential wood stoves are a very visible externality of wood heat.  However, biomass stoves are like every other energy source, renewable or not, in that they have both obvious and hidden environmental impacts. For more  

Washington Watch 
 EPA Revises Date for NSPS Proposal 

The EPA is postponing publication of its recommendations for residential wood heater New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) until February, 2012.  The EPA had intended to publish its recommendations in the Federal Register in June, 2011 and promulgate the new regulations in 2012. This NSPS is not part of a court ordered process, but was initiated in 2008 by a request from NESCAUM and WESTAR. EPA also confirmed that the NSPS will require minimum efficiency standards.  


EPA Memorandum Addresses Particulates

A 458-page policy memorandum prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards concludes that current national Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter (PM) are inadequate to protect public health and welfare. Recommendations made to Administrator List Jackson for strengthening the standards include:


-reducing the limit on annual average fine PM (particulates with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less) concentrations by 13-27%.

-reducing current limit on 24-hour coarse PM (particulates with a diameter between 2.5 and 10 microns) by approximately 50%

-establishing a new visibility-based standard for PM that is based on opacity rather than mass-based concentrations


The EPA is reviewing the NAAQS for PM pursuant to an order issed by the United States Court of Appeals D.C. Circuit in 2009, which remanded the standards established by the EPA in 2006. The memorandum is available here.


Keeping the Heat On

With the price of heating oil in Massachusetts topping $4 a gallon recently, Congressman Edward J. Markey and dozens of his peers in the House are pushing lawmakers to block deep cuts to the Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP). President Obama's current budget proposal would cut the LIHEAP program by more than half for next winter. For more


Media Watch 


This is the first in a periodic column about notable, humorous or inaccurate coverage of wood heat in the media. Seen something worth including here? Send it to us.


AARP magazine, the world's largest circulation magazine with 47 million readers reported, "On December 31, Uncle Sam eliminated the federal energy tax credits..." Oops. Uncle Sam did not eliminate them, but ratcheted them back. Biomass stoves went from a $1,500 to a $300 tax credit. See page 31 of the March/April edition. The April 2011 AARP Bulletin listed, among many tips for reducing environmental impact: "Use your wood burning stove or fireplace only on special occasions; the smoke pollutes both inside and outside air." This ignores the hundreds of thousands of modern clean woodstoves that have effectively and cleanly replaced fossil fuels. Click here to send a letter to the editor.


Pepco, a mid-Atlantic utility with more than 2,000,000 customers sent this advice to all of them in their January "Lines" newsletter: "Never leave home until the fire [in your fireplace or woodstove] is totally extinguished." Do what? Douse your woodstove with water before leaving home? Shall we do that before going to bed as well? Click here to send them a comment.


Mother Earth News, a favorite advertising hub for outdoor boiler companies, has fewer ads from Central Boiler and Heatmor. In the same issue a year ago, Central boiler and Heatmor bought full-page ads in the first 3 pages featuring their non EPA-qualified boilers, as they have been doing in virtually every edition. This year, each company only bought a half page ad in the back of the magizine, and Central Boiler features its EPA-qualified model (about 90% of the boilers they sell are not EPA qualified). What gives? The lack of a generous tax credit? Smarter readers? (A full-page ad in front of magazine costs $10,000-$15,000, with a 5% discount for multiple ads, according to their ad department.) Click here to send a letter to the editor.


Featured Product
Solarfocus Pellet BoilerSolar Pellet Focus:
The new pellet boiler OCTOplus by Solafocus recently received the "Energie Genie 2011" innovation award. The boiler combines solar and biomass technology into a fully automated system, with both a pellet burner and a 500 liter (130 Gallon) solar accumulator tank. System advantages include high efficiency (94%), compactness, simple hydraulic integration, an innovative control system, intuitive operation, and a large removable ash pan. For more 


From the Newsroom



Fuel Poverty Programs in Upper Austria

In Austria over 200,000 persons are facing fuel poverty. Austria has several programs to tackle fuel poverty, including  a recent pilot project in which inefficient fossil fuel and electric heating systems were replaced by pellet stoves. This included a monitoring program to ensure that a learning process was taking place.


Report Analyzes European Pellet Markets

A 2011 report found that in 2009 Europe consumed nearly 10 million metric tons of wood pellets.  The North American market grew to 6.2 million tons in 2009, with the U.S. exporting 20%. The majority of the domestic pellet use in the U.S. goes to residential homes. For more


Nova Scotia Reduces Forest Biomass Available for Electricity Production

The eastern Canadian province of Nova Scotia has lowered by 30 percent its cap on the amount of new forest biomass that can be used to produce power, defending the act as a measure to further protect the sustainability of forests in the province. For more





New Pellet Standards Will Offer Quality Assurance to Residential Customers

The Pellet Fuels Institute (PFI) is drafting pellet standards including ash content, diameter, durability, fine particles, moisture and chloride content. The standard labeling program will require third-party verification and will allow consumers to purchase guaranteed quality wood pellets. Look for it this fall. For more


Pellet Fuel Manufacturers Embrace Pellet Standards Program

PFI applauds the manufactures that have pledged to participate in the pellet fuel standards program, which will be implemented later this year. Quality standards have become increasingly important considering that nearly 1 million homeowners use pellets for heating. For more




Wood Energy in the Last Frontier

AK: Participants in the 2011 Alaska Wood Energy Conference will explore the role of renewable wood energy in their state. Issues of climate change, local environment, and air quality will also be addressed. For more, and more


CO Town Considers Lifting 16 Year Wood Stove Ban

CO:  The City of Glenwood Springs is considering whether to relax its ban on wood-burning stove, citing technology advances and cleaner burning appliances. For more


The Politics of Outdoor Wood Boilers

CT: Legislation has been introduced in Connecticut to implement a state-wide ban of outdoor wood boilers. Although 16 towns within the state have already have instituted a ban, lawmakers are having a difficult time gathering support for the state-wide ban. For more


Maine Forest Service Calls for Third Round of Wood-to-Energy Project Applications 

ME: The Main Forest Service is requesting applications for wood to energy projects to be funded with the $2.7 million made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The main criteria is that proposals must come from the public institutions, and that projects encourage job growth and retention. For more


Minnesota Town Takes a Stand for Clean Air, Restricts Installation of Outdoor Wood Boilers

MN: The ordinance represents the first time outdoor wood boilers were addressed in Crosslake, MN. Obtaining a permit requires a public hearing and notification of resident neighbors. Other restrictions include property acreage, stack height and operation dates. For more


New Hampshire School Switches to Pellet Heat

NH: A heating system conversion at Mascenic High school from oil to pellets has resulted in a two-thirds reduction of heating bills. For more


A Look Back at the 2011 Heating The NE Conference

NH: The recent Heating the Northeast with Renewable Biomass conference showed signs that the biomass industry is reaching maturity. Swapping oil for biomass was the focus of the third annual conference. For more

Upcoming Conferences and Webinars

Biomass Fueled District Energy and CHP

May 25 2PM ET

The Biomass Thermal Energy Council is hosting this webinar, which will include three panelists discussing their experiences implementing biomass-fueled combined heat on power (CHP) and district energy systems, and responding to questions from participants. For more



Biomass Emissions and Health Short Course

State College, PA June 9

The past 12 months have seen remarkable shifts in emissions policy in America, with the release of new EPA regulations, growth of local regulations on some equipment, and the designation of portions of the Northeast as "particulate matter non-attainment" areas. Learn more about these issues and develop a dialog on how to meet energy needs in ways that are more healthful, sustainable, and economical. For more  


Biomass Boiler Workshops

Charlotte, NC June 9-10

Sacramento, CA September 22-23

Jansen Boilers is sponsoring two free workshops which will consist of presentations about new technological developments and results to improve the operating performance, waste fuel burning capacity, efficiency, and fuel economy of biomass-fired boilers. For more


Pellet Fuels Institute Annual Conference

Ponte Verde, FL July 24-26

This year's conference will feature an optional educational component devoted entirely to the PFI Standards Program. Preliminary conference agenda is also availableFor more



Please Support Our Work

Thanks Too...
The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.

Alliance for Green Heat is funded in part through a grant by the Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, U.S. Forest Service. AGH is an equal opportunity provider.

You can make a secure donation online through paypal here:

A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and February 2011
-- Wood Energy Research Center (USDA Forest Service)
-- Dr. William & Francis Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation
-- Family Alliance Foundation
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Takoma Foundation

Become a Green Heat Founding Member: Make your donation here  


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