Dear Friends,
At my local Home Depot the packaged firewood they sell is from Estonia. The gas I burn in my furnace may be from Texas and the gas in my car may be from the Middle East. But the wood I burn in my wood stove is from 100 yards of my home, from already dead trees. Distance is not everything, but its connected to energy independence, carbon impact etc. In this issue, we feature stories about the importance of local firewood, the dangers of natural gas and a new wood stove that is 93% efficient. Thanks for your interest and your feedback, The Team at Green Heat - John, Tatiana, Elizabeth, Keith & Murali
Alliance for Green Heat Projects & Activities
Popular Mechanics Introduces the High-Tech, Low Carbon, Alternative Fuel of the Future: Wood  So begins a feature article in the latest issue of Popular Mechanics, challenging assumptions of the renewable energy community. The technology-focused magazine focuses less on next-generation biomass heating and more on its current cost-savings. The article features AGH President John Ackerly, AGH Advisory Board member Charlie Niebling and the company, headed by AGH Board member Jon Strimling. For the Full Article
Alliance Sets up Wood Heat Task Force
The Alliance for Green Heat is pleased to announce the formation of the Task Force on Wood Heat Incentives. This Task Force will look at the environmental, social and energy impacts of incentive programs to buy and change-out wood and pellet stoves. The Task Force, which is still in formation, is funded in part by a grant from the USDA's Wood Education and Resource Center. For More. Higher Heating Value Required for 2011 Tax Credit The tax credit for biomass appliances was slashed in December from $1,500 to $300. Another important change is that manufacturers must use the higher heating value in 2011 to certify that their stoves are 75% efficient. Who is behind the change in heating value is still unclear but some claim that several manufacturers were responsible. For more.
HPBA Expo - Alliance for Green Heat Roundtable Friday, March 4th, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m, Room 151DE, Salt Lake City Convention Center. The Alliance will lead a roundtable discussion exploring of the goals and impacts of state and national residential biomass stove incentive programs. For more information contact Firewood: Buy it where you Burn it
The Alliance joined a campaign led by the Nature Conservancy to raise awareness about invasive pests that move in firewood. Firewood taken from homes to campgrounds is usually the culprit but purchase of cordwood is also in the spotlight. The solution: buy wood harvested within 50 miles of your home or campground. For more visit
Tips, Resources and Regulations in the DC-area The AGH has put together a series of documents about recommended chimney sweeps and firewood dealers in the DC area, a $250 property tax credit in Montgomery County that we helped to secure, etc. For More.
Free Pellet Stove Repair for Families in New England is offering to repair pellet stoves of low-income families this winter free of charge within his southern New England service area. The Alliance is urging hearth dealers and pellet dealers to help identify low-income families for this generous offer. For More Featured Product The Twinfire has won acclaim and attention due to it's great strides in wood burning efficiency. The double chamber design reduces particulates by drawing the flame from the fire down into a gas fire chamber that enables nearly complete combustion of the smoke and particulates. The Twinfire stove is able to achieve a reported 93% efficiency. The Twinfire's development is supported by NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Association). For more information visit
Specs: Grams of particulate/hour: 2.4 Optimal Heat Output: 27kBTU Price begins at: $6,000 |
Washington Watch
Tax Bill Slashes Energy Savings Tax Credit
The tax bill recently signed into law by President Obama has been touted for continuing payroll tax cuts and extending unemployment benefits. However tax credits for a variety of home energy saving measures, including biomass stoves, were severely cut. For More
Congress Increases Funding for LIHEAP Under Latest Continuing Resolution Congress passed a new Continuing Resolution to fund government programs through March 4, 2011. The Resolution includes an increase in funding for LIHEAP for the first 5 months of 2011. For More |
From the Newsroom
National New Film "Gasland" Exposes Environmental Damage of Natural Gas A powerful new film "Gasland" is shortlisted for an Academy Award for best documentary of 2010. This is a must see for anyone involved in heating policy in America. The impact of drilling, "fracking" and transporting gas makes biomass heat look that much better. This is not an objective film; it tells the story of natural gas from the point of view of ordinary Americans who are suffering from its airborne and waterborne emissions. For MoreVermont Engineer Brings Northern European Biomasss Technology to America Pellergy has begun manufacturing a wood pellet heating system based on a central heating design as opposed to the more common source heating. Used widely in Northern Europe, this system is controlled with a thermostat like conventional home heating systems. For MoreFirewood Consumers Beware, Some Dealers May Sell Short Cords Many States have invested in education campaigns this holiday season to inform consumers on proper wood buying etiquette, including the dimensions of a cord. "Not-very-savory individuals will take a half-ton pickup and they will fill it up and they'll tell you it's a cord of wood, and it is not." For More
StatesPollution Plan Stripped of Enforcement Powers AK: If approved, a revised version of a plan designed to tackle air pollution in the Fairbanks Borough area would lose its enforcement powers as a result of a voter passed ballot prohibiting authorities from regulating home heating devices. For More Change-Out Program Can't Keep Up With Demand CA: Officials in Butte County made $20,000 available to residents to buy cleaner burning wood stoves. However the funds quickly ran out and some would be recipients were turned away. For More
Bay Area Enforces Solid Fuel Labeling CA: After January 10, 2011, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) may enforce the labeling requirement for all solid fuel (cordwood, manufactured logs, pressed logs, fire starters and pellets) sold for wood-burning fireplaces and stoves. For More Settlement to Fund Stove and Boiler Change-outs IN: The EPA and the U.S. Justice Department announced a Clean Air Act settlement with Northern Indiana Public Service Co. (NIPSCO). The settlement calls for NIPSCO to spend $9.5 million on projects including woodstove and outdoor boiler change-out projects. For More
Clean Energy Programs Fail to Live Up to Promises ME: A $1.1 million alternative energy program initiated by Maine has run into numerous technical and management problems as many of the installed wind, solar and geothermal systems have been improperly utilized or installed. For More Officials and Residents Celebrate Modification of Wood Boiler Regulations
NY: The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has modified proposed wood boiler regulations which were seen as to harsh. Residents will still be required to switch to DEC compliant boilers when a replacement is needed. For MoreNew Regulations Proposed to Govern OWB UseNY: If enacted, new regulations in New York State would improve air quality and prevent the state from becoming a dumping ground for inefficient boilers. New OWB's would be required to have 18 foot high stacks and be set back at least 100 feet from neighbors. For More
Sen. Wyden Takes on Stringent Biofuel Regulations
OR: Sen. Wyden, chairman of the Forest subcommittee, is hitting back against proposed regulations which treat biofuels like conventional fossil fuels. For More
Discount Firewood Seen as Renewable Fuel Source OR: Oregon continues to be a leading proponent of wood based biomass. Many officials recognize wood as a sustainable, renewable resource that can help invigorate local economies while heating homes in an affordable fashion. For MoreHospital to Save $600,000 a Year with Biomass PA: Evangelical Community Hospital benefits from a $1 million dollar grant for the installation of a biomass heating system. The fuel will come from within 10 miles of the hospital. For MoreWood Products Company to begin producing Pellets WV: Appalachian Wood Pellets will produce biomass pellets from leftover saw dust at a Preston County mill operations. The plant will create ten permanent jobs for the local area. For More
Upcoming Conferences
Maryland Clean Energy Legislative Day Reception January 27th, 8 a.m.
Make your voice heard at the Maryland Clean Energy Center Legislative Day reception Thursday, January 27 at the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis. For More
BTEC Webinar - A Policy Outlook: Programs, Legislation and Policy January 27th 1 p.m
The national political environment for advancing biomass thermal energy policies has shifted quickly in the last few months. Stay informed on the progress and prospects of key federal renewable energy issues by attending. To Register
LIHEAP Action Day February 9th, Washington, DC
The National Fuel Funds Network is hosting LIHEAP Action Day to support low-income fuel programs. Please join delegates from across the country in the Nation's Capital to kick-off 2011 advocacy. For More HPBA ExpoMarch 3-5, Salt Lake City, UT 'The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo is North America's largest wood and pellet stove showcase. Every year, more than 350 leading hearth, patio and barbecue manufacturers and suppliers exhibit and demonstrate their latest home heating solutions. For More. 3rd Annual Heating the Northeast with Renewable Biomass Conference & Vendor Fair April 14 - 15, Manchester, NH This conference brings together industry, non-profits, government agencies and others for networking, information exchange, and the opportunity to educate and explore the potential for real expansion of biomass heating to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. For More |
Current Wood Heat Incentive Programs
Low-income Wood Stove Change Out Program: Jackson County, OR Click Here
Residential Bulk-Fed Pellet Boilers Rebate Program: New Hampshire Click Here Wood Stove Change out Program: Washoe, NV Click Here
"Burn Cleaner" Wood Stove Change-Out program San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, CA Click Here
Wood Stove Rebate Program Tuolumne, CA Click Here
An Alliance for Green Heat study of study of these and other incentive programs is funded in part by the Forest Service's Wood Education Resource Center:
Quote of the Month
"At eight in the morning [the masonry stove] burns up one small basketful of wood in twenty minutes, and that is all it requires for the day. This great room will keep the same level and pleasant and comfortable degree of warmth hour after hour without change, and there is no artificial heat in the world that is comparable to it for wholesomeness, healthfulness."
Mark Twain, from "Europe and Elsewhere" 1923
Research Fellowship The Alliance has an opening for a spring and summer Research Fellow. This Fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity to promote renewable energy and delve into policy research. We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. Come join a small team of advocates who believe in the clean and efficient use of biomass for heating homes and businesses. For more information:
Office Equipment Needed Have a scanner or computer that is still relatively up- to-date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax write-off. Contact:
Join Our Mailing List! And stay up to date with all things wood heat. To sign up, click here |
The Alliance Welcomes
Elizabeth Klusinske, Climate Change Fellow: Elizabeth has a Master's degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and a certificate in Air Resources Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and recently interned at the Bureau of Air Management at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. She is interested in climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as issues of environmental justice. |