Green Heat News March 2010 Issue No: 8
The 2010 Woodstove EXPO: Where the Regulators Meet the Industry
Wood stove manufacturers, EPA regulators, state air quality officials
and potential stove buyers gathered under one roof in an annual ritual
that provides a fascinating snapshot of the future of wood heat in the
United States. The manufacturers included those who produce both the
cleanest, next generation units, and the dirtiest units that
are about to be regulated out of existence. For the rest of the story, Click Here.
EPA 48-Hour Burn Wise Video Contest The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is sponsoring a video contest for professional and amateur filmmakers on Burn Wise, the agency's campaign to help citizens reduce pollution from their fireplaces and other wood-burning appliances. With the theme "Learn Before You Burn," the winning 30- or 60-second videos will promote responsible wood-burning techniques that can help citizens save money. Winners will receive cash awards, and their videos will be provided to television stations as public service announcements. Prizes are: first place, $2,500; second place, $1,000; third place, $500 and viewers' choice, a $250 U.S. Savings Bond.
Informational video and more on how to participate in the contest:
Featured Product: Earth's Flame Fire Grate
The winner of this year's VESTA Green Product Award, the Earth's Flame fireplace grate can convert conventional fireplaces to the emissions equivalent of a wood stove- about 2.9-3.4 grams of particulate per kilogram of fuel burned. Designed to fit into existing masonry and zero clearance fireplaces,
Earth's Flame uses an angled refractory panel and heated secondary combustion air to achieve up to 72% reductions in particulate emissions from fireplaces. The grate is not yet available for purchase, but if you are interested, you can sign up at the producer's website to be notified when it enters the market.
For more info Click Here
Building Star- the Sequel to Home Star
Building Star comes on the heels of Home Star, and is designed to
assist in the creation of new jobs by providing financial incentives
for owners of commercial buildings and multifamily residential
buildings to retrofit their buildings with energy efficient building
equipment and materials. The bill includes wood or wood pellet
boilers that have a capacity of not less than 300,000, and not more
than 5,000,000 Btu per hour. The new boilers must replace an
operational boiler in a commercial building or multifamily residential
building and have 75% thermal efficiency. The
rebate amount is $10 per thousand Btu per hour capacity for gas
boilers, $3 per thousand Btu per hour capacity for oil boilers, and an
as of yet undetermined amount for wood or wood pellet boilers. The bill, SB. 3079 was sponsored by Senators Merkley, Pryor, Brown (of Ohio) Stabenow, Sanders and Cardin. |
Participate in a Wood Heat Survey In conjunction with the Antioch University New England Advocacy Clinic,
the Alliance for Green Heat has produced a survey to assess general
opinion trends on the use of wood for residential heating. Please
participate in this survey- your answers are important. You can also enter to
win a bag of Fair-Trade coffee, so please Click Here. |
Time to Register for "Heating the Northeast"
AGH to co-sponsor annual NE biomass conference This year's "Heating the Northeast Conference" will be held in Manchester, N.H. on April 27 and 28. The conference provides a venue for discussing biomass heating in various sectors of the community. The Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC) is the lead organizer of the event, and The Alliance for Green Heat will be co-sponsoring it, along with other organizations.
The conference explores potentials for biomass utilization in residential, commercial and indoor heating, combined heat and power (CHP) and district heating, and how this renewable energy source can contribute to energy independence, slow climate change, boost rural economies and create a sustainable future in the northeastern part of the country.
Breaking News
Austrian Wood Boilers to Make an American Entrance in Catskill, NY
Ruth and Paul Brown hope to convince area residents to join the heating revolution and switch from using common oil-fueled boilers to those fueled by wood chips or wood pellets. They have two residential indoor boilers in a trailer that are ready for demonstration to interested homeowners and community organizations. Click Here for more information.
Successful Change-Out in Chico, CA
Vouchers to help local residents swap out older wood stoves for newer, cleaner-burning models were snapped in the first hour the Butte County Air Quality Management District office was open. The vouchers were good for $250 off the price of a new stove to replace an older stove or open fireplace. People meeting low-income standards could get $1,000. For more info Click Here
CT Bill Calls for Outdoor Furnace Ban In Summer
Fueled by angry homeowners who say the devices smoke out entire neighborhoods for days on end, the state Committee on the Environment held a public hearing on a bill calling for a 6-month hiatus on using the furnaces between April 15 and Oct. 15. The bill would also add wood smoke to the public health code as a public nuisance. For more info Click Here
Indiana Develops New Rules Restricting OWBs
IDEM spokesman Rob Elstro said the draft rules would require all newly sold units to be certified through the U.S. EPA's voluntary outdoor wood-boiler heater program and meet certain emission limits. "This will ensure that Indiana's air quality will be protected as more and more units are installed," Elstro told the Post-Tribune of Merrillville. For more info Click Here
Iowa Attorney General Chastises Boiler Manufacturers
In a letter sent to manufacturers and sellers of outdoor wood boilers in the state, Iowa Attorney General Thomas J. Miller outlined the legal action open to the state in response to news that several of these companies may be misrepresenting the emissions of some units they sell or produce. To read the letters, Click Here
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Welcome to Our New Board Members We'd like to extend a sincere welcome to the newest members of our advisory board! David Ackerly is a professor at UC Berkely. His work includes a focus on carbon accounting and the potential impacts of climate change on plant life. Charlie Niebling, a professional forester, is General Manager of New England Wood Pellet. From 1997-2005, he headed the non-profit Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. For full bios click here.
Did you know? Six states have 70% of all installed outdoor wood boilers: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania. Michigan alone is home to 20%! More
Home Star Updates
The Home Star bill, commonly known as Cash for Caulkers, appears to be moving forward in the Senate and House despite some criticism. Last Thursday, in a Senate Hearing, Senator Shaheen (D-NH) praised the inclusion of biomass appliances in the bill and asked DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Assistant Secretary Cathy Zoi whether DOE would be able to compile a list of eligible biomass appliances quickly enough. In the House, Rep. Welch (D-VT) says there are now 80 supporters of the bill from both sides of the aisle. |
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The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You can make a secure donation online through PayPal by clicking the button below  We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to all of our supporters! Your donations help us advocate for policies to help everyday Americans heat their homes sustainably and affordably.
Founders--Dr. William & Frances Ackerly, the Arbolito Foundation, Family Alliance Foundation and
Founding members--April Bodman, Ann Down, Steven R. Kaufman & JD Doliner, Nick Salafsky & Julie Segre, Nina Smith & John Ackerly, Tad Welch & Ali Schultheis and Anonymous.
Become A Green Heat Founding Member: Make Your Donation Here |