Does bariatric surgery increase the risk of alcoholism? What is the data? Read below for more information.
Sincerely, Joseph A. Kuhn, MD
Bariatrics and Alcoholism
| Today, I saw a patient who has stopped drinking 3 weeks ago. She had noticed that she became tipsy almost immediately, but then sobered up quickly. She found herself chasing the effect with frequent drinks. Later, she would simply stay tipsy. She began drinking every day. This began to affect her relationships and her work. She felt that she was binge drinking and she needed to stop. Thankfully, she did!!!
How many patients become alcoholics (or drink to excess) after bariatric surgery? I will ask this question Live Tonight on our Facebook Chat at 9:00 pm.
This problem has been reported by ABC news: Link to ABC news article
The recent Pittsburg study followed 2000 patients. Before surgery, 7% of patients had alcohol abuse problems. At two years following surgery, 10.7% of patients had alcohol problems.
It is not a problem with shifting food addiction to alcohol addiction. It seems that the sudden absorption leads to a sudden effect and rapid improvement, influencing the person to "chase" the intoxication by drinking more.
Being aware of this tendency should encourage a patient to be watchful for this problem and restrict or avoid alcohol.
October 28th at the Hilton Anatole
| This is a fun chance to support a great cause! Obesity education, prevention, research, and advocacy. The Annual Walk from Obesity costs only $25, and you get a bag of goodies, a Tshirt, and a one year membership in the OAC.
Join Dr. Kuhn's WLS Warrior Team Here
(the system puts down $100 fundraising goal, but this is not necessary. Just $25. Should be FUN)
Can walk or run. Short or Long distance.
Sept 10, 2012 7-9:00 pm, Medical City Children's Tower, Class A/B Second Monday of Month
Sept 13, 2012 7-8:30 pm, Baylor Park Lane 2nd floor conference room Second Thurs of Month
These are good opportunities to come by, visit, and meet new friends. There are always good topics for discussion and sharing.
New Referrals
For new referrals, we will mail a DVD to a potential person who is considering their options or who simply wants to learn more about bariatric surgery.
You can Email our new patient coordinator to assist with mailings:
Joseph Kuhn, MD, FACS Medical Director
WLS Surgical Associates |
Is Gluttony Bad?
| This was a recent question on HealthTap. You can: Link to Healthtap Questions
Gluttony is over-eating simply to gorge. There are many places in the Old and New Testament that describes gluttony as a sin. Does that include big Holiday feasts? No. When you don't care about yourself or others and you overeat, you are engaged in gluttony. Do not look to food to give you joy or satisfaction. Restraint should describe our relationship to all physical pleasures, including eating.
60-90% of Obesity is linked to your Genes!!!
Dr. Kuhn gave a recent Grand Rounds presentation about the latest research on Obesity.
The cause for obesity is closely tied to your genetics, your DNA.
Research on Identical Twins with identical DNA reveals that the tendency for obesity is heavily tied to their genes (60-90%) compared to environment. These "Twin Studies" give us important insight into the 130 genes that code for hunger, metabolism, and calorie storage.
When a child becomes obese, it is more often tied to genetics.
Genetic Testing is now available to look at some of the common risk factors.
Link to Genetic Testing Option
Are You a Compulsive Overeater???
| |
Does this describe you?
Binge eating, or eating uncontrollably even when not physically hungry
Eating much more rapidly than normal
Eating alone due to shame and embarrassment
Feelings of guilt due to overeating
Awareness that eating patterns are abnormal
Very low self-esteem and feeling need to eat greater and greater amounts.
Overcoming Food Addiction and Compulsive Overeating can require counseling. Overeaters Anonymous can provide a free option for many who are looking for emotional and spiritual support for this problem.
Link to Dallas Overeaters Anonymous
October 26-27 Great Learning Opportunity only $25/day
| Spend a day at the BEST educational event in Dallas. . . ever Register before 9/14 at only $25 per day. Get free tote bag (higher registration if you wish meals, etc)
Check out the Agenda: Now available
If you know about one of our former patients who is not getting these emails, feel free to forward using the link above. They can add themselves to the mailing list. |