WLS Surgical Associates   

  June 2012  

You can connect live on facebook with Dr. Kuhn on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm.  This gives us a chance to visit and offer updates for the week.  Last week was FUN.   

Read more below.

Sincerely,  Joseph A. Kuhn, MD

Facebook Live

Last week we had a live Facebook session.  There were probably 10 people on-line, but it was fun.  People were interacting.  Dr. Kuhn was present from 9-10pm.  Questions were asked. Fun was had.  We will try to make this a weekly thing.  (especially for those who can't come into the support groups!!!!)

Just look for our facebook site:  wls surgical

Facebook Page WLS Surgical



HealthTap:  ASK ANY Medical Question

Dr. Kuhn has been a key member of the participating physicians for this new Website that allows YOU to ask any medical question.  It is Super Neat.  Of course you can ask bariatric questions.  You may also ask questions about ANY thing.

You can link to the Website to Ask your questions NOW

Link to HealthTap to Ask Any Question

HealthTap logo  


    July 9, 2012
         7-9:00 pm, Medical City
          Children's Tower, Class A/B
          Second Monday of Month

   July 12, 2012
         7-8:30 pm, Baylor Park Lane
          2nd floor conference room
          Second Thurs of Month 



TOPIC FOR:      Medical City Support Group:

Vitamins and Minerals After Weight Loss Surgery
Julie Shaw, RD, LD

Julie has been involved in bariatric surgery and nutritional support for over 7 years. 

July 9, 7-9pm  Medical City, Childrens Tower Class A/B



TOPIC FOR:  Baylor Park Lane Support Group:




Another great topic to learn and connect with others.

July 12, 6:30-8:00 pm  2nd floor Conf Room






New Referrals

For new referrals, we will mail a DVD to a potential person who is considering their options or who simply wants to learn more about bariatric surgery.
You can Email our new patient coordinator to assist with mailings:
COE emblem


Joseph Kuhn, MD,  FACS Medical Director

WLS Surgical Associates
Latest TV SPOT on Channel 33 with Dr. Kuhn, Discussing HYPNOSIS for changing eating behavior

Dr. Kuhn sent out a request for a VOLUNTEER to talk about the eating hypnosis video on the Youtube site: wlssurgical

There is one video for avoiding bad foods, and another for encouraging you to eat good foods. 

Go to this link to watch the news clip with Dr. Kuhn and the Volunteer. 

Video Link TV SPOT Hypnosis

Please Check out . . .

WLS just activated the New Website.  Has some new content, links, information, link to all old NEWSLETTERS.  Also will have link to Portal for patient information.

We are just starting the electronic health record.  Could be active in about a month.

LINK to WLS DOCS website

Obesity National Convention in DALLAS in October
Will be Coordinated with the Walk from Obesity
This will be the Best ever Walk.
Please come and show your support.  Now, more than ever. 

You can also make plans to attend the FIRST EVER National Obesity Convention specifically for PATIENTS, friends, and Family

This is unbelievable and wonderful.


Walk from obesity


October 26-27, 2012

Dallas OAC meeting

OAC Magazine
These articles are GOLDEN

Link to E-Newsletter about Obesity


Last Week, we got word that Medicare will start to approve the Sleeve Gastrectomy. 

The National decision will be relegated to the Regional carriers for Medicare to make some final determinations. 

We hope to clarify those items with TrailBlazer.  We will update on Facebook as we progress through this.

You can View the 2012
Bariatric Meeting
at Home Now!!!

The State Bariatric Chapter had a wonderful meeting in January.  The Meeting Slides are available for YOU to WATCH now!!!

Link to Presentations at State Meeting

Link To Dr. Kuhn's Talk on Darwinism (nice)

LINK to Support Groups in the State

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Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
 If you know about one of our former patients who is not getting these emails, feel free to forward using the link above.  They can add themselves to the mailing list.