WLS Surgical Associates
and Texas Bariatric Innovations Newsletter

May 4, 2009
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Constipation is a major problem facing America.  Please read this edition and learn to improve your colon health.

Weight Loss surgery patients are more likely to develop constipation due to decreased fiber intake, decreased mobility, and medications which might slow bowel function.
What is it?
    firm stools           straining with stools
    infrequent stools (less than 3 per week)
What is the Harm?:
1)  Hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas
2)  Diverticulitis (an infection in small pouches of the colon)
3)  Chronic abdominal pain, bloating, gas. 
OK, How do you treat it?
1)  Miralax is the powder that mixes with water and makes that water non-absorbable.  That means it will simply pass directly through (over several days).  You must mix and drink 1-2 glasses per day until the stools are soft (may take a week).  Then, decrease to 1 glass every 2-3 days. 
2)  After the stools are soft, add fiber (Fiber Choice is a good chewable wafer which can actually be filling to your pouch)  Benefibe provides a dissolvable powder which can work.  Try to get 15-20 grams of fiber per day. 
3)  Exercise is helpful
4)  Probiotics should be added as the final step to improve intestinal health, decrease gas, improve mineral absorption, improve weight loss, and improve immune system.Probiotics Link
5)  As a final alternative, there is a medication called Amitiza, which is approved for the treatment of constipation.  Amitiza Link
Fiber ChoiceMiralax
  May 5, 2009  6:30 Med City
  May 14, 2009  6:30  Baylor
  May 21, 2009  6:00 Baylor FW

at Med City 7777 Forest Lane
Building E, Conference Rm 1st floor 
   6:30pm (free parking)

Are you taking your vitamins?  Should we take one or two per day?  Which vitamins are the most important?  Can low vitamins affect your weight loss or energy?  These are important questions.  Come and listen in to the Bariatric Advantage expert who will be at the support group along with the Doctors Tuesday, May 5, 2009.     
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D Beauty Article
The three doctors (Kuhn, Kennedy, and Barnes) were highlighted in the D-Magazine called D-Beauty last month along with a detailed article on their research and success.  We are fortunate to be surrounded by a great team of people that make everything work.
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Joseph Kuhn, MD, Medical Director
Colleen Kennedy, MD
Gregory Barnes, MD

WLS Surgical Associates
Dr. Kennedy 

Operative Photo
Dr. Kennedy attended the SAGES meeting last month, where she became certified as a trainer in advanced laparoscopic skill testing.  She completed training regarding a novel technique of removing a gallbladder through a single incision.     Link for Cholecystectomy 
This is called "single incision laparoscopic surgery".
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