WLS Surgical Associates
and Texas Bariatric Innovations Newsletter

January 11, 2009
Summit Logologo hot on health

We begin the New Year with anticipation for great new procedures, options, and enthusiasm. 
January 13:  Medical City
January 20:  Fort Worth Baylor Southwest
February 3:  Medical City
February 12  Baylor Dallas

Please see the website for the full year schedule at Medical City,  Baylor Dallas, and Baylor Southwest Fort Worth:

www.WLSdocs.com      (look under Support Options)

Medical City.  City Hall Building E, conference room,
      6:30 pm

Baylor Downtown.  17th floor Roberts Building
      6:30 pm

Baylor Southwest Fort Worth.  7100 Oakmont
      6:30 pm
Holiday Party
December 13, 2008
The Christmas/Holiday party was a fabulous success.  For those who could not attend, you are welcome to review the photos on the website.  www.WLSdocs.com   (under support photos)

ChristmasDocs at Christmas Partyxmas party 2009Docs at Xmas Party
Pouch Outlet Narrowing

We have begun a project to study some patients who have lost 70-80 % of their excess weight after bypass, but then regained 10+ percent.

We measure Eating Behavior with a special test to address bad eating behavior

We measure the emptying rate of solid food from the pouch with a test called a Barium Burger

If eligible, we can consider an endoscopic procedure called Pouch Outlet Narrowing.  See Website for more information. 


Sclerotherapy PostSclerotherapy Post

Joseph Kuhn, MD, Medical Director
WLS Surgical Associates
214 823 5000
Register for the Texas Bariatric Meeting in San Antonio
Summit Logo
January 24, 2009

Great speakers
Great program
Great Day Trip !!!

Hotel Deadline soon


hot on moving

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See our New Video Segment on Channel 11:  Hot on Health & Beauty


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The Omentum with Oprah and Oz
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