Vote for Groundwork Lawrence
Bring a Community Orchard to Lawrence!
Imagine this space as an orchard!
vacant lot
We need your help to bring a fruit orchard to Lawrence! We need you to vote online and the five applicants that have the most votes May 1 will be selected to receive a fruit orchard!

Visit Communities Take Root today and vote then click it every day from now through April!

(You'll have to use the map or index to find our entry-Lawrence is the only one in Massachusetts. Also, the website is a tad slow, so please be patient.)
Forward to your friends!
Please send this on to your friends and colleagues.  Don't forget to post the Communities Take Root site to your Facebook account, Twitter, Buzz, however you love to interact on the world wide web, and THANKS!
Groundwork Lawrence
60 Island St., 3rd Floor
Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840