Factor10 Yellow Jacket Tournament
 Participant Update
Shop 17/104 Gympie Road
Strathpine 4520

Saturday February 19, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
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Here is just a quick update about this weekend so you know what's happening:


  • Registrations are going well however we are still waiting on a number to come in from clubs.  As at today we have 57 registrations so this is more than we have ever had before at this stage of the week.  Historically many registrations come in the last few days.
  • Officials and Referees are on track with their preparations and today we had 22 people register as officials.
  • Referee and Officials Training is on this Friday night from 6.15pm so we can update all those involved with organising the event as well as doing training and a run through with the marshaling and other aspects of the day.  
  • Feel free to Register as an Official or helper by REGISTERING HERE AS AN OFFICIAL OR HELPER 
  • Fighters Will be In and Out Real Fast. For the first time we have set a scheduling benchmark for all fighters to be able to arrive and compete all within an hour.  This is our target so we are going to see if we can achieve this so parents do not have to be there all day. 
  • Posting the Draw. Once the registrations are complete we will send out by email and post to the Factor10 website the draw and scheduling for the contests so families know what time to be there for their contests.  You are welcome to stay all day however this is not required of course.  Make sure you are not late however as we will not hold up contests.  
  • A provisional draw will be posted Thursday evening on 

Damien O'Flaherty
Factor10 Martial Arts Academy