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 Morones Debates Hedgecock
(click on the image to view the video)
Enrique Morones was in a debate w/Roger Hedgecock on KUSI today at 8 a.m.  Morones won that debate hands down.  He did so with respect, knowledge, foundation, historically factual, legislatively factual, semantically factual, human dignity emotive and without incident. 
Hector and Miriam Martinez invite you to a celebration to benefit the Border Angels
Saturday, April 18, 2009 fropm12:00 to 4:00 pm
The Martinez Home
2897 Gate Six Place, Chula Vista, Ca 91914
Carne asada/chicken tacos and other treats will be served
$15.00 Tax Deductible Contribution (suggested minimum)
(make checks payable to Border Angels)
You may contact Enrique Morones by visiting the Border Angels website@
PleaseRSVP at (619) 656-6314

Founded by Enrique Morones in 1986, Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths have been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes.

WHAT IS LA VOZ? La Voz is a personal e-mail list that over the last 12 years has worked towards keeping the San Diego non-profit, Latino, and community at large connected . It consists of e-mail contacts that include students, educators, elected officials and their representatives, media, organizers and activist, clergy, non-profit executive directors, and business leaders. La Voz consists of three weekly e-mails consisting of community events, grant and funding opportunities, and job opportunities. Additionally La Voz reserves the right to send out ocassional e-mails on behalf of its community partners and sponors. The majority of the e-mails are San Diego based but are increasingly becoming more diverse in geographic origin and relevance.The e-mails sent out are done as a free service and are not connected to any particular organization.