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Community Events Newsletter
October 23. 2008
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Breast Cancer MonthOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 
This year, San Diegans can participate in fitness and fashion events, listen to music, or sip some vino to show their support and create awareness for breast cancer in San Diego County.
Click on the ribbon for more information.

In This Issue
Help Fight Breast Cancer
The Greenlining Institute Leadership Academy
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
Logan Heights Veterans
8th Annual Multi Culture World Aids Day Conference
UCSD Telemedicine
Bastards of the Party Film Viewing & Discussion
Dia De Los Muertos at Friendship Park

Partners & Sponsors
Ayon Construction


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La Voz Editor & Founder
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Reebok Human Rights Award 
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The Greenlining Institute Leadership Academy
The Greenlining Institute ( is a public policy, research, and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for low-income and minority communities.  Our mission is to empower communities of color and other disadvantaged groups through multi-ethnic economic and leadership development, civil rights and anti-redlining activities.  The vision of the Institute is to utilize our advocacy successes to connect scholarship and public policymaking with the realities facing minority and low-income communities.
The Academy provides students the opportunity to acquire skills and build vital social networks that will enhance their effectiveness as future advocates of minority communities. Unlike many other training institutes for young leaders, the Academy prioritizes hands-on experience with public policy specifically impacting low-income communities. Honing the unique skills and abilities of each participant, the Academy also provides opportunities for networking, exploration on new career fields, and the opening of strategic pipelines to work in the pursuit of justice.  Greenlining places the training of Academy participants among the organization's highest objectives. Academy participants are integrated immediately as part of the Institute staff and participate actively in the development, planning and implementation of Institute projects.
The Associate Program (June 8, 2009-August 14, 2009)
The Academy Associate program is an intensive 10-week training program for young leaders that have completed, at minimum, their undergraduate degrees by the start of the program. Associates manage research and advocacy projects with the direction of a Greenlining staff member.
Associates present their findings and projects in both a written and oral report at the end of the program. Associates also participate in leadership skills workshops, attend power lunches with key stakeholders, and conduct site visits to community, government, and corporate entities. Overall, Associates are exposed to key community leaders, new issues, and new methods of advocacy. Associates receive regular professional and personal skill development and are given opportunities to interact with the media, write reports/press releases, testify at key policy hearings, and participate in key meetings with top government officials, corporate CEOs, and political leaders.
Postmark Deadline: Feb. 13, 2009
The Fellowship Program (September 7, 2009-August 27, 2010)
The Fellowship program is a year-long training program for young leaders that have completed, at minimum, their undergraduate degrees by the start of the program. Fellows are assigned to specific program areas and develop expertise with the direction of a Program Manager and the Academy Director. Although the curriculum is similar to that of the Associates program, Fellows are given more responsibility and independence to implement projects and programs. Fellows participate in leadership skills workshops, attend power lunch series with key stakeholders, and conduct site visits to community, government, and corporate entities. Fellows receive regular professional and personal skill development and are given opportunities to interact with the media, write reports/press releases, fundraise, testify at policy hearings, and participate in key meetings with top government officials, corporate CEOs, and political leaders.
Postmark Deadline: Feb. 20, 2009
For more information
Contact Danielle Trimiew, Academy Director at (510) 926-4007 or email  Applications are available on the Greenlining Institute website at

Congressional Hispanic Caucuc Institute  Leadership Development Programs
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI), the nation's premier Hispanic educational and youth leadership development organization, launched a national campaign to recruit Hispanic students - college-bound, undergraduate and graduate - for its nationally recognized leadership development programs and scholarships.  
Applications for CHCI's Congressional Internship Program, Graduate & Young Professionals Fellowship Program, Public Policy Fellowship Program, and Scholarship Program are available now at

The Congressional Internship Program provides college students with Congressional work placements on Capitol Hill for a period of eight weeks from June to August, to learn first-hand about our nation's legislative processes. Interns are responsible for conducting extensive legislative research, monitoring day-to-day hearings, managing constituent communications and assisting with general office matters. Additionally, interns participate in weekly CHCI leadership and professional development sessions and meet with corporate representatives, national elected officials and foreign dignitaries. Interns are provided with housing, roundtrip transportation to and from Washington, D.C., and a $2,500 stipend. The Congressional Internship Program application deadline is January 9, 2009.
The Graduate & Young Professional Fellowship Program offers exceptional Latino graduates and young professionals unparalleled exposure to experience in the underserved public policy areas of health, housing, law, international affairs, and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The fellowship is open to applicants with a graduate degree from an accredited educational institution or equivalent three years professional experience in chosen policy field. This competitive program is comprised of a nine-month fellowship including a substantive work placement at a legislative subcommittee office, federal agency, national non-profit advocacy organization, or corporate office. The International Affairs Fellowship includes three months abroad in Mexico or Spain. Travel, health insurance and a $2,700 monthly stipend is provided. The Graduate & Young Professional Fellowship Program application deadline is February 13, 2009.
CHCI's Public Policy Fellowship Program, conducted from September to May, provides college graduates with national hands-on public policy experience in a congressional office, federal agency, nonprofit sector, or corporate setting. Fellowship participants are provided with health insurance, roundtrip transportation to and from Washington, D.C., and a monthly stipend of $2,200. The Public Policy Fellowship Program application deadline is February 13, 2009.
With more than $2 million in need-based scholarships awarded to Hispanic students since 2001, CHCI's Scholarship Program is available to students enrolled in a two or four year accredited college or university. Students pursing an associate's degree may apply for a grant in the amount of $1,000; $2,500 for bachelors candidates; and $5,000 for graduate students. The Scholarship Program application deadline is April 16, 2009.
To be eligible, all program applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, have remarkable leadership potential, and have a demonstrated history and commitment to community and public service.
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition Invites you to our "Meeting of the Minds" 2008 Forum on Human Trafficking, both Domestic & International
October 28th, 2008
Conference 9:00- 5:00
Lunch is included
Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
2115 Park Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92101
A $20 donation registration fee is asked that will help with materials and lunch. There is limited seating, so register early. If there is space available then we will have walk-in registration. Receipts will be given at the event.

For more information contact:
Marisa Ugarte, Executive Director Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition Corredor Bilateral de Seguridad  
Ph. (619) 336-0770 Fx. (619) 336-0791
Logan Heights Veterans
For more inforamtion

8th Annual Multi Culture World Aids Day Conference
On December 1, 2008 a watershed event will occur in North San Diego County. NFN, in conjunction with global, national, and local HIV/AIDS awareness activities, is proud to produce the Eighth Annual Multi Culture World AIDS DAY Conference.This conference will be held at the beautiful Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel in beautiful Carlsbad, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. and the closing plenary ending at 4:30 p.m.

Please consider continuing your valued community leadership role through support of the Eighth Annual World AIDS DAY Conference.  Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (858) 277-6090 or email me at  You may also visit our web site at  I look forward to hearing from you.
UCSD Telemedicine
UCSD is proud to introduce an important new training series on telemedicine! Telemedicine Learning through an Interactive Network in California
Beginning:  November 21, 2008
Time: 12:30pm to 1:30pm
What:  T-LINC is live and interactive videoconference training on telemedicine!  Leaders in the field will cover key topics in an ongoing lunch-time learning series. Dialogue with experts, network with your peers, and learn from one another.
Who:  All who want to learn best practices, stay abreast of trends, and explore practical applications and potential uses . . . Community Clinics, Hospitals, Physicians, Administrators, Nurses, Students.
Where:  Your office or conference room!
How many:  As many as you can fit in your conference room. We have limited spots available for the video connection, so call now to reserve your spot - 858-246-0371.
Reservations: Each session is unique - reserve a spot for individuals sessions (or all).
How much:  Only the cost of connecting to UCSD for the training(s).
Other:  Join T-LINC and together we will advance our understanding and practice of telemedicine.
Southern California Telemedicine Learning Center
UCSD School of Medicine
Division of Medical Education
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0615
La Jolla, CA  92093-0615
(858) 246-0371
About Telemedicine:   Telemedicine connects physicians many miles away through high quality visual and interactive state-of-the-art technology.  The concept seems simple - the practice of medicine over any distance via telecommunications.  However, making telemedicine a reality can be complex - technology, reimbursement, and more.  The benefits of telemedicine are profound: those who live hours from medical care can directly access high-quality, personalized medical expertise without leaving their communities.  Everyone benefits: patient, provider, and the community.
About The Center:   We provide ongoing educational programs on telemedicine's practical uses and future potential.  Learn about telemedicine - what is happening now, how to overcome barriers, and how you can implement in a variety of settings.  Our mission is to expand health care to rural and medically underserved regions throughout Southern California.
Center Background:   The Center brings together world class educational resources: UCSD School of Medicine, UCSD Healthcare, the Department of Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, the California Telemedicine & eHealth Center (CTEC), and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2).
Bastards of the Party Film Viewing & Discussion
Understanding the Root Causes of Gang Activity in Our Communities
BASTARDS OF THE PARTY traces the development of black gangs in Los Angeles from the late 1940s, through the charged atmosphere of the '60s and '70s, to the breakdown of community in the '80s and '90s, and the brief truce between the Crips and Bloods that followed the Rodney King riots in 1992. Among the gangs that figure in the story are the Spook-hunters, Farmers, Slausons, Businessmen and Gladiators.

The documentary features interviews with past and current gang members from the Bloods and Crips; Los Angeles historian Mike Davis, whose book "City of Quartz" sparked Sloan's own project; former FBI agent Wes Swearingen; and Geronimo Pratt, the former Black Panther Party minister of defense, among others.
Saturday, Nov. 1, 2008
1:00 - 4:00 pm
San Diego City College
Room D-121A & B
(Next to Cafeteria)
14th and C Streets
1313 Park Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92101
Presented by: Springfield College, School of Human Services and San Diego City College's Institute for Human Development and San Diego City College's
World Cultures Program
For more information contact: Paul L. Watson, Jr.
Dia De Los Muertos at Friendship Park
Join us Saturday...November 1st...1200 noon at Friendship Park (border field) as we celebrate the DIA DE LOS MUERTOS and honor our fallen brethren.   This year, they want to close friendship park ! The only park where familes can meet, where children can meet their granparent for the first time, where lovers can share moments seprated by a fence.   The fence, the wall, operation gatekeeper, the wall of death, the wall that has lead to the deaths of 10,000 people.   People with a dream, people with families, people that only wanted to provide for their loved ones.   Dia de los Muertos...join us as we remember those that have passed, as we remind those about to be elected, what about us?  What about the 10,000 migrants Mr President...don't forget the migrants, the deaths, the raids, and now, close the park?  Enough, basta, no more deaths, no more raids, it is tme for humane immigration reform.   We will be joined on both sides of the border as we remember our loved ones, as we as celebrate dia de los muertos, as we stand united "gente unida" for justice, for peace.  
More info contact Border Angels (619) 269-7865  

WHAT IS LA VOZ? La Voz is a personal e-mail list that over the last 12 years has worked towards keeping the San Diego non-profit, Latino, and community at large connected . It consists of e-mail contacts that include students, educators, elected officials and their representatives, media, organizers and activist, clergy, non-profit executive directors, and business leaders. La Voz consists of three weekly e-mails consisting of community events, grant and funding opportunities, and job opportunities. Additionally La Voz reserves the right to send out ocassional e-mails on behalf of its community partners and sponors. The majority of the e-mails are San Diego based but are increasingly becoming more diverse in geographic origin and relevance.The e-mails sent out are done as a free service and are not connected to any particular organization.