Los Medanos College - Inside LMC
Early June 2010

In This Issue
  • A Great Year Closes Out
  • New Developments
  • Announcements
  • Awards and Acknowledgements
  • If You Are Out This Summer - Even Just for a Long Weekend

  • Greetings!

    Wow, we've completed another year, and our students and alumni are ecstatic with what they've accomplished, experienced and discovered. We have many great success stories and photos to share and we don't want to leave you out.

    A Great Year Closes Out

    Graduation 2010!

    view our gallery of graduationWe had a total of 215 graduates participate in this year's commencement ceremony on May 28th. They were accompanied by approximately 70 faculty, staff and administrators. We can celebrate that more than 400 students qualified to graduate this year! Many thanks to the hardworking A&R staff and the well-organized graduation committee: Robin Armour, Stephanie Alves, Cynthia Fields, Gus Gonzalez, Lindy Maynes, Sharen McLean, Kwadwo Poku, Clint Ryan and Chad Wehrmeister.

    Enjoy the photo gallery - the photos truly embody the emotion and power of our students realizing their dreams.

    ETEC Celebrates Industry Partnerships, Graduates 1st Class w/ Renovated Program

    view the openingFor LMC's Electrical and Instrumentation Technology (ETEC) program, it's all about partnerships. On Thursday, April 22, the college held a plaque unveiling/ribbon cutting ceremony to honor industry donors who have contributed generously to make this program possible. The ceremony was followed by an open house of the ETEC lab where students performed hands-on lab experiments, illustrating how the equipment is being used in their education.

    View a photo gallery of the opening.

    Program donors include Shell Oil Products U.S. Martinez; USS-POSCO Industries; The Dow Chemical Company; GWF Power Systems; Mirant Delta, LLC; and Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery. They have contributed a total of $380,000 to construct a 2160 square foot modular lab on campus to conduct hands-on classes to train future electrical and instrumentation technicians. In addition, they have donated over a million dollars of equipment to furnish the lab with equipment similar to that used in industry.

    This win-win partnership developed as our industry partners were trying to address the skilled worker shortage stemming from impending retirements. LMC has totally redesigned the ETEC curriculum to address contemporary industry needs. Given the current education funding crisis, Mirant Power also donated $5500 to offset the cost of ETEC classes in Fall 2010.

    The program is also celebrating the graduation of its first class educated and trained with cutting-edge curriculum developed in conjunction with industry partners.

    George Kunst, representing USS-POSCO, explained the industry partner perspective, "I can assure all that we at USS-POSCO and our other industry partners do not see the donations as a gift but as an investment in LMC and the local community. This graduating class is LMC's first interest payment to local industry. LMC has provided these individuals with the high level of training and skills we require to operate and maintain our facilities. And more importantly these skills, and with them the great job opportunities at our companies, are now being provided to the sons and daughters of local residents so they can continue to work, raise families and prosper in East Contra Costa County. And with that I'd like to thank LMC and our industry partners for their hard work in making this program a reality."

    Coincidence? Maybe...Through the generosity of IBEW Local Union 302, Los Medanos College received a $26,000 baseball scoreboard to replace an aging temperamental one, that often times took a number of whacks from a hammer to make it work.

    This past spring at each home game, players and visitors alike kept watchful eyes on the beautiful new scoreboard as the Mustangs pitched, fielded and scored their way to victory. The LMC Mustangs baseball team ended up with a winning season for 2010. This was the first year the LMC Mustangs went on to play in the playoffs since 2006.

    Pictured: LMC Mustangs baseball team, Coach Casey Coakley, IBEW Local Union 302 Asst. Business Mgr. Russ McNally, LMC Foundation Director Lindy Maynes, LMC President Peter Garcia

    Crowds show for PTEC Open House, ETEC/PTEC Job Fair

    The PTEC program hosted its first open house in late April. Many potential students, current ETEC students, and LMC employees checked out what PTEC students are learning and what that mysterious equipment is that we see through their glass windows.

    ETEC and PTEC combined focused efforts and hosted a job fair specifically connecting their students to industry partners who are hiring. It was a great success and both students and employers came out winners. View the photo gallery of the open house.
    View the gallery of the job fair that was also held.

    Professional Development Program a Hit for Students

    A pilot program, the Professional Development/Employability Workshop, was designed by Teresea Archaga and Reggie Turner with support from the LMC Foundation Board of Directors. It developed as a result of a strong interest to better prepare our students for the world of work. Teresea, Reggie and the Foundation Board understand that students need specific guidance in a number of areas that employers often say is lacking in applicants.

    The workshops covered critical areas such as: attitude,time management, effective communication, working in teams, conflict resolution, resume writing & interviewing, and professional etiquette in social settings. The Foundation raised funds to cost of Macy's gift certificates, the etiquette coach and guest speakers.

    The students went to Macy's, with either a $150 gift certificate (for perfect attendance at the workshops) or $100 gift certificate (for almost perfect attendance), to work with Macy's personal shopper and Lindy, to choose business/interview appropriate outfits. "I'm so excited and amazed this is happening to me" exclaimed one student as she tried on a beautiful suit. One male student showed up only wanting to purchase a new pair of jeans and shirt. Two hours later he had a new suit, shirt and tie (and saying next time he was going to get a shirt with French cuffs.)

    Out of 24 students in October, 16 students successfully completed the series at a capstone luncheon. The students were looking forward to meeting the sponsors and professionals who are supporting their efforts to become professionals, at the luncheon. We had asked the participants to talk to the students about their industry/business as if the students were prospective new employees. The luncheon took place at Carpaccio Ristorante. The etiquette "coach" was there to observe and give feedback to the students, and give the rest of us a few dining tips.

    Many thanks to our sponsors: The Dow Chemical Company, Supervisor Mary Piepho, Garaventa Enterprises, Ready Print, State Farm, and Allied Waste.

    To assess the effectiveness of this program, we will track the students' progress in their job seeking over the next few years. We hope to have this program become a signature event for Los Medanos College, one that many more students will participate in.

    The Most Successful Job Fair Yet!

    What better way to end the school year than with another highly successful job fair! LMC's annual job fair was held on the Pittsburg campus on May 5th. With more than 1200 students and community neighbors in attendance and more than 47 employers and community resources providers participating, this event was, for the third consecutive year, the largest job fair in East County and in the Contra Costa College District.

    The full spectrum of the workforce was represented at the fair, from start-up and home-based businesses to California's largest employer, Chevron. Retail, manufacturing, law enforcement, education, government, health care and financial services employers were there, to name a few. Additionally, community resources providers were available to offer assistance in the areas of public transportation, housing options, credit repair and legal issues, both civil and criminal.

    A big thank you to the many LMC employees who helped make this annual event another great success! < View a slideshow of the event >

    New Developments

    Parking Lot B Expansion Requires Summer Closure

    At last, a solution to our overflowing parking needs! Parking Lot B will be expanded this summer to accommodate 449 additional student cars.

    The lot is currently anticipated to be closed from July 6 through August 12, opening just in time for the start of Fall classes. Students will be notified via the Student Service enews and updates will be distributed to LMC employees.Parking Lots A and C will remain open and provide plenty of parking for students taking summer classes or conducting business on campus.

    We are looking forward eagerly to being able to accommodate many more student cars for Fall 2010 and beyond.

    ACE Gets Ready for Fall

    ACE, the Academy for College Excellence, (formerly the Digital Bridge Academy) is now officially at LMC. Woota!

    ACE is an intensive, full-time program that immerses students in a new vision of what academic life entails and how to succeed in higher education. ACE is working closely with EOPS to recruit a cohort of 32 students, but please feel free to advertise the program in your classroom as well.

    What do you do in ACE? I'm glad you asked. ACE students first complete an intensive two-week course designed to "light a fire for learning." Using curriculum approaches adapted from graduate and corporate management education, students examine the educational experiences and personal challenges that have influenced prior academic performance. ACE students then spend the next 16 weeks in English 90, taught by Sara Toruno, Math 909 or StatPath, taught by the one-and-only Myra Snell, and Tue Rust for ACE classes.

    In one semester, ACE students will fulfill their English and math pre-college requirements and complete an amazing amount of work. In December 2010, we will be celebrating their accomplishments with a presentation during finals week where ACE groups will present on local social justice issues facing our community. Each group will share a research-based action plan and a 15-page written report. The college community is invited to join ACE at this inaugural event.

    If you'd like to learn more about ACE, please visit our website at www.losmedanos.edu/ACE, or contact Tue Rust at x3474 or trust@losmedanos.edu.


    Child Study Center Still Has Available Openings for Summer, Fall
    Did you know the Child Study Center is open for the six weeks of summer school? We still have a few places available for children age 3 years through first grade entry. Please advise interested parties to come to the Child Study Center (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) for enrollment information or call (925) 439-2181 x 3189 to speak to the receptionist.

    Enrollment for fall is in progress and there is still room at this moment - don't wait! For more information, visit www.losmedanos.edu/studentservices/childcare/default.htm

    Awards and Acknowledgements

    Athletic Trainer Annie Martin Wins Athletic Trainer of the Year Award

    Annie MartinLMC's head athletic trainer, Annie Martin, has been named one of the California Community College Athletic Trainers of the Year for her role in saving the life of CCC football player Wali Wright.

    Annie shares her award with Brian Powelson, head athletic trainer from Contra Costa College, who was second to the scene and also instrumental in saving Wali's life.

    "I knew immediately that this was a serious injury," explained Annie. "All of the years of education and hands-on training prepared me for a moment like this. I'm so glad that Brian and I were successful in stabilizing Walli until emergency services could transport him to the hospital."

    Annie graduated from Carondolet High School in Concord. Following some post-injury physical therapy from playing softball, she was inspired to pursue a career in athletic training. She earned a bachelor's degree in physical education at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo and then a master's degree in sports science at the University of the Pacific.

    "I find great fulfillment in helping athletes move from injury to full participation in their sport again".

    Annie has been very involved in the California Community College Athletic Trainers' Association (CCCATA) and legislative efforts at the state level, aimed at advancing our profession and the safety of high school student athletes.

    Steve Budd Joins A FEW GOOD MEN Cast This Summer

    Steve BuddCome see a A FEW GOOD MEN in Antioch this month! Steve Budd, LMC part-time English instructor, plays Lt. Jack Ross in the Hapgood Theatre production.

    You're probably familiar with the movie, starring Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise. Now come see an excellent cast of Bay Area actors in the sizzling stage production about the trial of two Marines for killing a fellow Marine (did they or didn't they?) at Guantanamo Bay.

    Steve has arranged for discount tickets ($15 instead of $25; $35 for Opening Night--includes champagne reception) for all LMC faculty and staff.To take advantage of the discount, simply order your tickets as a Student or Senior and show your LMC ID at the Box Office when you come to see the show. See you in court!

    Dates: June 11-27, 2010 Times: Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm Location: Nick Rodriguez Community Center, 213 F Street (between 2nd & 3rd), Antioch ORDER TICKETS at www.hapgoodtheatre.org

    If You Are Out This Summer - Even Just for a Long Weekend

    Don't Forget to Prepare Your Out-of-Office Messages

    Last year, at about this time, an email was sent out with directions for messaging during summer absences. We're including it here due to popular demand:

    Summer voicemail message example:
    Suggested for faculty:
    "You have reached the office of Charlie Brown, Psychology instructor at Los Medanos College. I will be out of the office from May 24 through the week of August 10. If you need to speak with someone during the summer, contact the Office of Instruction at extension 3105 or 3272. Otherwise please call me back when I return in August. Thank you."

    (Sending summer academic program inquiries to the Office of Instruction is endorsed by the O of I. Please note that your calls will immediately go in to voicemail when your message is on; your phone will not ring until you turn your message off.)

    Suggested for other employees:
    "You have reached the office of Robert Brown, mystery position at Los Medanos College. I will be out of the office from May 24 through the week of August 10th. If you need to speak with someone during the summer, contact ?? at extension ???. Otherwise please call me back when I return in August. Thank you."

    (Others should consult with their supervisor regarding the recipient of summer phone inquiries. Please note that your calls will immediately go in to voicemail when your message is on; your phone will not ring until you turn your message off.)

    To record a personalized greeting, access your voicemail box and dial "4" and "6". (You can access your voicemail box remotely by calling LMC at 925-438-2181 and push "#", then your box number, then your password.)

    Note that turning on the personalized greeting will automatically forward your incoming calls to voicemail; therefore, your phone will NOT ring. To turn off your personalized voicemail message, access your voicemail box, and dial "4" and "2". Your voicemail message will return to its original default.

    Summer email message example: Suggested for faculty: Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office and not answering email from May 24th through the week of August 10th. If you need to contact someone during the summer, please contact the Office of Instruction at mhertstein@losmedanos.edu or schmidt@losmedanos.edu. Otherwise email or call me at 439-2181 x0000 in August. Charlie Brown, Psychology instructor

    Suggested for other employees gone during the summer: Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office and not answering email from May 24th through the week of August 10th. If you need to contact someone during the summer, please contact the Mystery Office at oooooooo@losmedanos.edu. Otherwise email or call me at 439-2181 x0000 in August. Charlie Brown, Psychology instructor

    You change your "out-of-office" greeting going into your email via "lapis.losmedanos.edu". Go to "options" on the left navigation. Fill out the Out of Office Assistant part by checking off "I'm currently out of the office" and put in your text for the message. When you return, be sure to go back in and check off "I'm currently in the office" and the automatic reply will stop.

    To record a personalized greeting, access your voicemail box and dial "4" and "6". (You can access your voicemail box remotely by calling LMC at 925-438-2181 and push "#", then your box number, then your password.)

    Note that turning on the personalized greeting will automatically forward your incoming calls to voicemail; therefore, your phone will NOT ring. To turn off your personalized voicemail message, access your voicemail box, and dial "4" and "2". Your voicemail message will return to its original default.

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