Financial Spring Cleaning
According to the US government here is a list of items you can discard.
- Cancelled checks for cash or nondeductible expenses
- Expired warranties
- Pay stubs, after reconciling with W-2
- Records no longer needed such as those replaced by newer versions, manuals of items you have replaced, etc.
When Will Gas Prices Fall? Who is to blame for the soaring prices?
As the world is a global village, our gas prices are most influenced by the world oil market. Recently, the factor exerting the biggest influence has been the threat of supply disruption in the Middle East - but that's not the only factor weighing on the market. Basically we are competing with the world for our gasoline.
Registered Representatives. Securities offered
through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representatives, Cambridge Investment Research Advsors, Inc. a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Symphony are not affiliated |
Quote for the Month
In any moment of decision
the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
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Monthly Tip
Cheer up. Tax day has passed and for this new year 2012 your personal and dependent exemptions are each worth $100 more. The exemption has increased to $3800.
(Six Key Tax Law Changes you should know about)____________________ |
April Economic Update
Gas prices were putting the clamp on the consumer, right?
Wrong. It seemed consumer spending was rising.
(Read more.)
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Symphony Financial
481 Carlisle Dr, Suite 202
Herndon, VA 20170
Office: 703-865-4092 - Fax: 703-865-4096
www.symphonyfinancial.net |