SearchMaster Tips
Are you right-clicking?
Every reference in SM can be right-clicked and sent either to Google for more information or to One-Look Dictionaries for definitions. Every reference in SM!
You've looked up a drug name, and now you want to know what that drug is for? Right-click that drug name in SM, send it to Google, and you'll know what that drug is used for!
You've looked up an attorney or a doctor's name, and you want more information than just the spelling -- like an address, a firm affiliation, or a phone number? Right-click the name and send it straight to Google for that info!
You've looked up a word like "anthropomorphize," and now you want to know what that word means? Right-click it and send it to One-Look to search over 1,000 dictionaries at the same time for the definition. It's like having an entire library of dictionaries right at your fingertips!
Too Shy to Ask?
You've been trying to do something in your SM. You've watched the tutor movies; but for whatever reason, you're just flat-out, big-time stumped. Don't be too shy to call me for the assistance you need. I'm here, I'm ready to help, the call is free, and my phone number is shown at the very top of SearchMaster's main screen. Call me.
Some folks tell me, "Oh, I didn't want to bother you," to which my response is, "You are not bothering me. If you need help, I'm ready, willing, able, and eager to provide you with whatever assistance you may need."
Your customizable SearchMaster MY FILES upgrade will be released next week. Stay tuned!
SearchMaster's New Feature: "My Files!"
Over the years, I've been asked by many of my customers, "Is there any way I can modify SearchMaster so that the files I search the most often are displayed when I open SM -- all on the same screen at the same time? Until now, the answer has always been, "Yes, but it's a real pain in the neck." Well, with next week's release of SearchMaster Version, that will change.
In the coming SearchMaster upgrade, you will be able to select the glossaries in SearchMaster that you search the most often; and when SM opens, that is what you will see: all your favorite glossaries on the same screen at the same time, without having to jump around to SearchMaster's various subfolders to access your favorite files.
Click on the word MOVIE here, and watch the preview movie of what's coming. Trust me. You'll be glad you did!
"Margie's Corner" & "Yes, It Matters"
On a fairly regular basis, future issues of the SearchMaster newsletter will contain a Margie's Corner commentary on properly punctuating the English language. "Margie" is my good friend Margie Wakeman Wells, author of the blockbuster English style guide Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation. Margie has been teaching English to court reporting professionals for as long as I have: over 35 years. I'm sure you're all going to enjoy and benefit greatly from Margie's commentary and sage guidance; so stay tuned, friends, and let's sharpen our language skills! When Margie is traveling to her many seminars around the country and doesn't have time to submit a Margie's Corner commentary for the newsletter, I will be filling in. My commentaries on punctuation will fall under the heading of Yes, It Matters.
"Jim Barker's Court Reporters Forum"
Facebook Page
As you may (or may not) have noticed, in the lower right-hand corner of SearchMaster's main screen is text that says Court Reporters Forum. That text is actually an Internet link; and up until now, clicking that link would take you to Compuserve's The Court Reporters Web page. With the release of SM Version next week, clicking on that link will, instead, take you to an entirely different destination: Jim Barker's Court Reporters Forum on Facebook. There, we will be discussing any and all matters that pertain to court reporting: CAT systems, computers, English punctuation, realtime, the threats presented by electronic reporting, the powerful advances in technology that are going to dramatically affect the future of court reporting, etc., etc. Want to join us right now? Click HERE. If you're not already a member, click Ask to Join, and I'll unlock the door. (It's a closed Facebook page, the better to keep away pranksters, troublemakers,, and other irritating unpleasantness that no one wants to deal with.)
SearchMaster's Facebook Page
At the bottom right corner of SearchMaster's main screen, between the E and the G buttons, is a little Facebook link --the f -- that will take you to SearchMaster's Facebook page. Up until now, I haven't done all that much with that page, but I'm going to start regularly posting tips, hints, and searching advice, as well as responding to commentary and inquiries by SM users. If you're a Facebook user and you have tech support-type questions, pop in and ask away. I will be monitoring the site on a daily basis and responding to any and all commentary and/or questions. (Oh, and when you go to the SearchMaster Facebook page, please click the "Like" button so you'll get updates in your Facebook News Feed.) And if you happen to be in the mood, you might even give SM a hearty endorsement while you're there! (Thank you.)
Keep 'em Coming!
Your contributions to SM's glossaries are very much appreciated, friends; so if you had to go to some other source to find what you didn't find in SearchMaster, please send me that reference so I can add it to the next update! The easiest way to do that is to click the little white tech support envelope in the lower right corner of SearchMaster's main screen (or you can just send an E-mail to
There are no glossary updates today.
Until next week, my friends, I leave you with these words from Thomas Paine:
"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry."