A Bonus for You from Advantage Software!
In appreciation for your having selected Advantage Software as your CAT vendor and/or computer supplier, Greg Seely, CEO of ASI, has made special arrangements to provide you with SearchMaster for a full year, at absolutely no charge.
If you purchased Total Eclipse, your SearchMaster CD will be included with your Total Eclipse software; if you purchased a computer, SearchMaster will come presintalled on your computer. Note: SearchMaster is a stand-alone software program that installs to your hard drive, and is not part of the Total Eclipse software, which means there's no need to wait until you've installed your Eclipse before installing and registering your SearchMaster.
Turn on your speakers and click HERE for a narrated movie that could change your life for the better and save you huge amounts of time conducting research for your transcripts, just like it does for reporters, scopists, and proofreaders in all 50 states and in 16 countries every single day who use SearchMaster to turn their research grief into a sigh of relief.
When your free 1-year SearchMaster subscription expires, you can renew the subscription for another year for only $59, a pretty good deal when you realize that SearchMaster retails for $289. With this offer, you receive the first year for free, after which the subscription cost is $59 per year, which amounts to a mere $5 per month for the most powerful time-saver in the entire court reportin g world!
In order to qualify for this one-time offer, you must install and register your earchMaster software within 30 days of receipt of this E-mail.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs062/1107463978369/img/3.jpg?a=1107773960873) SearchMaster "The Time Machine for Reporting Professionals."
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