Project Compass Workforce Recovery
August 2012
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Finding Your Dream Job Just Got Easier


August 8, 2012

12:00 p.m. EST


Free, monthly, 60-minute webinar to learn strategies and best practices to leverage LinkedIn in your job search.

Right Service
 at the
 Right Time 

The Right Service at the Right Time is an easy-to-use resource that connects people with E-Government and social services. And now, we are bringing the Right Service right to you!  


August 22 at Port Charlotte 



A new analysis of Florida's Economic Trends, by the legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research, shows that labor force reduction, rather than re-employment, accounts for most of the drop in Florida's unemployment rate. This means the job market and the economy will remain some of the biggest challenges facing our job-seeking library patrons. This month's newsletter focuses on resources to help meet those challenges.


Please let me know if I can help you with your efforts, and don't forget to share your ideas and resources on the Project Compass Florida website.


Pam Thompson

Winning with the Library
by Janet Norton

Associate Librarian, Technology

Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach


The work of libraries can make a city a better place to live. This year, the United States Council of Mayors awarded City of West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio the City Livability Award based on the LSTA grant-funded Career Catalyst program created by the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach.

The Conference of Mayors City Livability Program, sponsored by Waste Management, Inc., honors mayors and their city governments for developing programs that enhance the quality of life in urban areas.

The Career Catalyst program connected unemployed city residents with computer skills training and career development resources. It also established a partnership between the Palm Beach County Workforce Alliance and the library. This resulted in more awareness and access for the city's unemployed to the agency's services. Training for library staff was also provided from Workforce Alliance in order for them to better assist job-seekers in the library. The program continues through weekly workshops and has developed into an additional partnership with the West Palm Beach Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center that includes career and computer skills training as part of the experience for Veterans in the VA's Transitional Work Program.

More on the Career Catalyst program can be seen in the video  created for the award presentation. Information about the City Livability awards can be found through the United States Council of Mayors.

Contact Janice Collins (collinsj@mycitylibrary.org) at the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach for information on the Career Catalyst program.

(Career Catalyst was selected as an Exemplary Project from among the many outstanding programs funded by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Division of Library and Information Services, during the 2010 grant cycle. You can find more information on the Exemplary Project Recognition program here.)

DCF Unveils New Website and Logo 

Library patrons looking for information on Medicaid, food stamps or other forms of assistance will now access a totally revamped website. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has launched a new logo and website to make services more accessible to Florida residents.


Now called My Florida Families, the site stresses the importance of community and family strength and highlights the work the agency is doing across the state.


New features on the website include a map linking to multiple services and addresses where patrons can apply for assistance.


Library patrons can also sign up for automatic email and text alerts about specific programs.

Help For Difficult Financial Times
USA.gov has provided Help for Difficult Financial Times as a single site with resources that can help your patrons cope with financial challenges. The resources include links to information on unemployment, jobs and training, housing, debt and credit, healthcare and insurance.

Your patrons can ask questions through a live chat as well as email.
Education and Training Opportunities  to Build a New Career


Library patrons who have lost a job or want to change career paths can take advantage of education and training opportunities to help them build new skills.


The Department of Labor offers training programs through Career OneStop. The programs include short-term trainings, certification programs, apprenticeship opportunities and more.


There are also resources for professional development in current careers and ways for job-seeking patrons to update skills to be more marketable to employers. 

Online Publications for Job Seekers

The Federal Citizen Information Center site offers information and publications to help your patrons make important life decisions. Here job seekers will find more than 30 online employment publications with tips on writing a winning r�sum�, employment searches, interviewing and finding a job.

Employment publications are grouped by the following topics:
Can You Help?

Many thanks to Janet Norton for contributing the article on the Career Catalyst program at the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach.  Do you have a story to share? Send your article to Pam Thompson to be included in the next newsletter.


If your library participated in Money Smart Week @ Your Library financial literacy programming, please contact Pam Thompson at pam.thompson@dos.myflorida.com.


Do you have a shelter, food pantry or soup kitchen in your county Get Help Florida is requesting that Florida's librarians provide addresses, phone numbers and names of shelters and food assistance organizations their areas.  Please send this information to rogerh@pascolibraries.org and it will be added to Get Help Florida's Shelters and Food assistance pages. 

This program is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.