Project Compass Workforce Recovery
April 2012
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Layoffs and Beyond: How Libraries Can Help the Unemployed

Parts 1 and 2


April 26, 2012 and

May 3, 2012

2:00-3:30 p.m.


Learn how your library can be a resource for those in your community who have recently (or not so recently) been laid off - or for those who fear they soon will be? 


Instructor Linda Bruno


Register Here



Florida ranks second among all states in population of people over 65.  Florida accounts for 6.9% of all workers over 55 in the United States.  This month's newsletter features resources for the 50+ age group looking for jobs.


Please let me know if I can help you with your efforts, and don't forget to contribute your ideas and resources to the Project Compass Florida website.


Pam Thompson
Resources for Unemployed Older Workers

The unemployment rate for older workers may be lower than younger workers but their length of time unemployed is longer. According to the Congressional Research Service, during 2011, the average jobless person aged 55 and over spent a full year unemployed, compared with 39 weeks for the broader workforce. Older workers are more than twice as likely as their younger counterparts to be unemployed for 99 weeks or longer.  Below are resources for older job seekers in Florida.


Employ Florida Marketplace - Silver Edition


Employ Florida Marketplace - Silver Edition has been created to address the mutual needs of Florida businesses and organizations and Florida jobseekers over 50. It is sponsored by Workforce Florida, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the Governor's Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service and other members of the Silver Edition Task Force. Database search types include any job with older-worker-friendly businesses, volunteer jobs or any paid job.




For more than a decade, SeniorJobBank.org has been committed to bringing together employers with qualified older job seekers. The SeniorJobBank has been highlighted in many publications, including Forbes and BusinessWeek. Florida jobs and career information has state-specific information.




The American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) website on work and retirement has useful sections on job hunting especially tailored to the job seeker over 50. Sections include what to do if you have lost your job, writing r�sum�s, preparing for interviews and more. AARP Also includes a Job Search page to search by type of job and/or location.




With employment and career change resources for people over 50, Workforce50.com arms the older workforce with employment resources and career information to achieve their goals. The site allows searches by job type and/or location.




The goal of RetirementJobs.com is to identify companies most suited to older workers and match them with active, productive, conscientious, mature adults seeking a job or project that matches their lifestyles. Check out Florida's job search page. Services are always free to job seekers.


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) 


The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)is a program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that serves low-income persons who are 55 and older and have poor employment prospects. Eligible individuals are placed in part-time community service positions with a goal of transitioning to unsubsidized employment.  There are programs available in each of Florida's 67 counties.

Unemployment Compensation Becomes Re-Employment Assistance
DEO Logo

Recently signed by the governor, HB 7027 will make several changes to the unemployment compensation law in Florida, including rebranding the program as the "re-employment assistance program."


Some of the changes include: 

  • Requiring the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to establish a numeric score on the initial skills review which demonstrates a minimum proficiency in workforce skills. Individuals who fall below the minimum score may elect to take workforce skills training.
  • Clarifying that individuals who are non-Florida residents, on temporary layoffs, union members or participating in short-time compensation plans are not required to complete the initial skills review.
  • Reducing the number of required work search contacts from five to three for individuals who live in small counties.
  • Clarifying work search requirements for union members and individuals on temporary layoffs or participating in short-time compensation plans.

The bill also codifies Executive Order 12-03, extending the temporary state extended benefits program.


Complete information can be found on the Florida House of Representatives website for HB 7027.

Tax Tools - IRS2GO  

Just in time for tax season, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released a new version of IRS2Go, a smartphone application that lets you interact with the IRS using your mobile device. Available features include providing access to video, news updates and tax information such as your refund status, requesting your tax record and getting tax updates.


For an Apple iPhone or iTouch, download the free IRS2Go app by visiting the iTunes app store. For an Android device, visit the Android Marketplace to download the free IRS2Go app.

Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Extended Benefits

On February 22, 2012, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, Public Law 112-96, was signed into law. This new federal law extends the deadline for establishing eligibility for the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program to the week beginning December 16, 2012.


You can find complete information on the Department of Economic Opportunity's Unemployment Compensation Web page.

Can You Help?
A lot has changed in the year since the Project Compass workshops were presented throughout Florida. Over the year, unemployment in the state has dropped more than 1.3 percentage points and initial unemployment claims have dropped 29.5%.


Have you seen a change in the numbers of job seekers using your library? Send your observations to Pam Thompson at pam.thompson@dos.myflorida.com. Thanks for your help! 

This program is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services. 

