Maine Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter
There's still time to REGISTER for the 201th Annual Family medicine Update, April 11-13 in Bar Harbor - Don't miss out! All Schedule & Registration information available on the MAFP website.Make plans to attend Thursday evenings dinner session - participate in informal table-top discussions on International Medicine, MAFP/Me Psych Associations Consultation Project, Health Care Reform in Maine, and other engaging topics! Do you "Tweet"? Follow the Update on Twitter - @MaineAFP#2012Update
45-Day Limit on MaineCare Coverage for Certain Opioids Now Law But Alternatives Being Considered ![](
There was action last week on several fronts relating to the strict limits placed on opioid-based medication for MaineCare two weeks ago via enactment of the FY 2012 supplemental budget, L.D. 1816. Because as many as 62,000 current MaineCare patients will be impacted by the changes effective April 1st and September 1, 2012, MaineCare officials, MMA representatives, legislators, advocacy organizations, and other interested parties are working on alternatives to the proposal as well as other strategies to minimize the harm to patients. Please read the more detailed summary below to stay abreast of these actions, particularly if you have MaineCare patients who are on these medications. And don't hesitate to provide input to your own legislators, letting them know of your thoughts and opinions. READ MORE (this information is provided by the MMA)
Maine Vaccine Board Announces Maine Provider Transitional Loss Mitigation Program
If you are a Maine Provider who administered vaccines to minors between January 1, 2012 and April 30, 2012, and reimbursement was denied by an insurer, then you may be eligible for reimbursement by the Maine Vaccine Board under its Provider Transitional Loss Mitigation Program (PTLMP).
The Maine Vaccine Board (MVB) recognizes that as the new universal vaccine program begins providers may have unused vaccine which they previously purchased for use in children under the age of 19. The MVB is concerned about transitional costs borne by providers as this new program is implemented. Many insurers will continue to reimburse providers for use of purchased vaccine, but some may not. To lessen the potential financial burden on providers, the Board has established a process to reimburse providers at least a portion of the cost of purchased vaccine if reimbursement is denied by an insurance carrier. This applies only to vaccines administered to children from January 1, 2012 and through April 30, 2012.
The PTLMP is administered by the following special claims serving agent. All questions related to the PTLMP should be addressed as follows:
Attention: Steven Hoxie
Maine Worker's Compensation Residual Market Pool
For more information, see PTLMP.
For more information on the Universal Vaccination Program, see the Maine Vaccine Board webpage. The Program was established by 2009 Public Law 595 to provide all children from birth until 19 years of age in the State with access to a uniform set of vaccines as determined and periodically updated by the Maine Vaccine Board. Vaccine purchase is funded by an assessment on health insurance carriers and 3rd-party administrators.
Maine PCMH Pilot Project - Half-Way!!
The Maine PCMH Pilot Project has reached the half-way point and recently released it's report. "For decades, Mainers have been plagued by preventable chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and depression. As a state, we face dramatically rising health care costs associated with these conditions, and as individuals, we face the challenges of fragmented care and timely access to primary care providers, especially in rural areas. Effective prevention and better coordination of care can dramatically change this picture, improving outcomes, creating a better experience of care, and lowering costs in the process. Since 2009, Maine has led the way with the innovative Maine Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot as a way to forge a solution to this crisis in our health care system. The Maine PCMH Pilot makes the better health care we've hoped for a reality. It delivers on the promise of healthier lives for Mainers. This report provides an update on the progress of the Maine PCMH Medical Home Pilot as it crosses the "half-way" mark in its original 3-year timeline. What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home? A "medical home" is not a building or a place, but a team of health professionals who work together READ COMPLETE REPORT
Will you be pictured this year?
![Update 2010 General session]( If you haven't already, register now to join us for the 20th Annual Family Medicine Update! REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN - go the for complete information and registration forms
Maine PCMH Pilot Expansion - New Practice Application Closes March 31st! The online application process for the Maine PCMH Pilot expansion and the MaineCare Health Homes initiative is currently open, with completed applications due by March 31, 2012.
Interested in Global Health? Check out the AAFP FM Global Health Workshop Sept. 6-8 - Minneapolis, Minnesota -
Help leave a global legacy. Practicing physicians, faculty, residents, and students with an interest or experience in international activities/global health are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster and peer sessions at the 2012 AAFP Family Medicine Global Health Workshop.
Held from September 6-8, 2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the workshop is a great opportunity to network with global health experts and peers with similar interests.
Submit your abstract by May 15, 2012. Health professionals beyond the specialty of family medicine are also welcome to submit abstracts.
For more information or to register, visit Questions? Contact Rebecca Janssen, AAFP Program Coordinator, at