Seasons Greetings! 

December 22, 2011
I would like to wish you and your family a Healthy & Joyous Holiday season and the same for 2012.  I've enjoyed serving you as your Exec for 15 years now and together we've seen many changes in Family Medicine.  Looking forward to the positive impact we can make together as we close out 2011 and embark on the new year - just around the corner!

Yours truly,
Deborah Halbach
Executive Director, MAFP
Maine Family Physician of the Year 2012 - Nominate a Colleague
Carl Flynn Caribou 2009
Dr Carl Flynn - 2009
Since 1987, the Maine Academy of Family Physicians has been honoring a MAFP member as Maine's Family Physician of the Year.

Candidates may be nominated by colleagues and/or patients to be considered for this honor.                                                       

The award is announced during our Annual Meeting each Spring.  This year it will be April 12th, during our 20th Annual Family Medicine Update.

For more information on nominating a colleague and a list of previous awards click here
Advocacy Resources:
Contact Your Legislators - form letters (which you may personalize) available for Physicians, Residents & Medical Student

SGR Resources - sample letter to the Editor & OP Ed for print media
In This Issue
2012 Family Physician of the Year
Advocacy Resources
House Fails to Block Mediciare Pay Cut
House Rejects Measure to Temporarily Block Medicare Pay Cut - Physicians face 24.7% Payment Reduction


(12/20/2011 from AAFP News Now)  --  The U.S. House of Representatives today rejected a Senate-approved bill that would have temporarily blocked an impending Medicare payment cut. As a result, physicians now are facing a 27.4 percent Medicare payment reduction that is scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1. "The AAFP is outraged that Congress failed to prevent the 27.4 percent Medicare physician pay cut mandated by current law," said AAFP President Glen Stream, M.D., M.B.I., of Spokane, Wash., in a prepared statement. "That failure has presented (Congress') elderly and disabled constituents a bitter holiday gift -- uncertainty about whether their physicians will be able to provide the services they need." More


Mark Your Calendars Now for MAFP's 20th Annual Family Medicine Update - April 11-13, 2012 in Bar Harbor

Watch your inbox in January for Registration information - I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
