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Maine Academy of Family Physicians

In This Issue
Join Maine's Health Alert Network
AAFP On Medicare Reform
FREE CME On Prescription Drug Abuse
Autism Spectrum Disorders

Join Maine's Health Altert Network

The Maine Health Alert Network (MaineHAN) is a consortium of key public health officials who are responsible for protecting the public in the event of a natural disaster, infectious disease outbreak, or bioterrorism attack.  All physicians are encouraged to enroll. 


Members of the MaineHAN receive emergency
 and routine messages from different sending authorities within the state. Maine CDC generates alerts, advisories, and updates intended for a statewide audience, while more localized messaging is handled by various MaineHAN member organizations. 


If you are not already receiving HAN alerts, joining the MaineHAN is as simple as contacting the HAN Help Desk at [email protected] or 287-6551. The information you need to provide in order to become a member of the MaineHAN is minimal - your first and last name, e-mail address, work phone number, and the name of your organization are all that are required.


Once your account has been created, you will receive an email containing your username and password, as well as a guide for new members to help you get started setting up your profile.  


You can find archived HAN alerts by clicking here.

Augut 22, 2011

Save-the-Date now
MAFP's 20th Annual Family Medicine Update 6 Annual Meeting - Bar Harbor, April 11-13, 2012


Some highlights this year - SAM Study Group on April 11th, Tour of Jackson Labs April 11th, Annual MAFP Meeting in the evening on the 12th


Stay on for the FREE Friday afternoon conference: "Cancer in the Family: Primary Care Matters" Sponsored by Maine General Medical Center & Jackson Labs through a special grant.

AAFP Calls On Joint Select Committee On Deficit Reduction To Reform The Medicare Payment System

In a letter to Select Committee members August 10th, the AAFP has called on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to reform the Medicare payment system as part of their efforts to cut federal spending.


A new media kit, Preserving Patients' Access to Care in Budget Reduction Debate, has been posted to the Media Center by the AAFP Public Relations Department. The kit contains the following:


�       AAFP Letter to the Joint Select Committee on Budget Reduction

�       Quantifying the Health Benefits of Primary Care Physician Supply in the United States (research published in International Journal of Health Services by James Macinko, Barbara Starfield, and Leiyu Shi)

�       Visits to Physician Specialties for Health Care Conditions (graph showing family physicians are the source of care for most complex health conditions)

�       Primary Care Physician Workforce and Medicare Beneficiaries' Health Outcomes (research published in JAMA by Chiang-Hua Chang, PhD, Therese A. Stukel, PhD, Ann Barry Flood, PhD and David C. Goodman, MD, MS)

�       The Effects of Specialist Supply on Populations' Health: Assessing the Evidence (research published in Health Affairs by Barbara Starfield, Leiyu Shi, Atul Grover and James Macinko)

�       Ambulatory Specialist Use by Nonhospitalized Patients in U.S. Health Plans: Correlates and Consequences (researched published in The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management by Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, Hsien-Yen Chang, PhD, Klaus W. Lemke, PhD, Jonathan P. Weiner, DrPH)

�       Impact of Potential Medicare Physician Pay Cuts in Family Medicine Practice: September 2010 (graph showing responses to an AAFP survey on their practices ability to stay open and take care of Medicare patients in light of severe cuts to the SGR)

�       What Family Physicians Say (direct quotes from family physicians)

MMA & OSA Offer FREE CME On Preventing Prescription Drug Abuse

Through funding provided by the State Office of Substance Abuse, the Maine Medical Association is presenting three CME programs in Bangor, Lewiston, and Manchester on August 30th, September 14th and October 7th, respectively, focusing on the very serious problem of prescription drug addiction and diversion.


The August 30th program will be held at EMMC in Mason Auditorium from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Dinner will be provided. The faculty for the Bangor program includes local DEA agent Chris Gardner, PMP Coordinator Trish Lapada, MMA EVP and attorney Gordon Smith, and Tamas Peredy, M.D. 


September 14th program will be held at St. Mary's General Hospital, also from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. with dinner provided. 


The October 7th program will be held as part of MMA's popular First Fridays educational series from 9:00 a.m. to noon and will also be offered as a webinar


There is no cost for these programs.


The format for each program is identical, although the faculty varies.  Each program will begin with a review of the problem by a local DEA agent, followed by presentations by program staff for the prescription monitoring program, legal staff for MMA, and a clinical talk by a physician experienced in addiction and diversion.


Watch for further information on the programs but you may reserve a seat now by registering with Gail Begin at MMA through e-mail to [email protected] or call the MMA office at 622-3374 and press 0 for the attendant.  Registration is also available on the MMA website at

Transition of Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dear Colleague:

We are writing to ask for your help with a project investigating the transition of young adults with ASDs from pediatric to adult medical care and their experiences in accessing the adult health care system. The study through the University of Southern Maine will involve participation in a single focus group of medical providers, primary care and specialists, who have any contact with adult patients with autism. 


Separate groups will  be conducted with young adults who have autism and their parents. The information obtained will  be used to design tools and educational materials for use within medical practices.  Your identity as a participant will be confidential and you will not be asked to provide medical information on any patients. A $25 stipend will be paid to each attendee.   

If you are interested in participating, please call Barbara Wirth 207-228-8467 or email her at [email protected] Thank you for your interest.


MAFP 20th Annual Family Medicine Update 7 Annual Meeting

April 11-13, 2012

in Bar Harbor


Brochure and Registration available after January 1st