Maine Academy of Family Physicians
Pine Cone E-News

In This Issue
Standards of Care for Rx Abuse
Maine Public Health Genetics Plan
Autism Spectrum Disorders

April 28, 2011

The MAFP has identified Advocacy as a priority.  We've received several requests for Family Physician input - please see the items below and participate as you are able.


Your Help Needed to Identify Standards of Care for Prescription Drug Abuse In Maine

Hello Fellow Family Medicine Physicians,

A recent Bangor Daily article highlighted the growing problem of prescription drug abuse in the state of Maine, noting that in the past decade Maine has seen in increase in patients seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opiates of 1300% between 1998-2008.  Maine now leads the country, with a rate of 386/100,000 people seeking treatment for addiction.  The national rate is 45/100,000.


I am interested in obtaining information on what the standard of care across the state is regarding the use of on-going narcotics in patients with chronic pain.  My goal is to identify areas to help providers provide the best care possible for this challenging diagnosis by identifying areas of need and developing resources to fill these needs.


Please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey at: "Rx Drug Abuse Survey".  Once we have some baseline data, we can work to develop programs to help providers throughout the state provide the best quality care possible. 


Thank you

Geoffrey Carden, MD

Central Maine Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Faculty and Research


Maine Public Health Genetics Plan

Dear Healthcare Provider,

I am writing in follow-up to my original request sent to you in March of this year asking  for your help in developing a statewide Maine Public Health Genetics Plan. To help inform the Plan, we are conducting a survey of Maine practitioners to assess current practices, concerns, and needs of Maine-based healthcare providers regarding genetic services and public health.


If you have already completed the survey, thank you for your participation.  If you have not already responded to our request that you participate in a survey we are asking you to please consider participating and completing the survey. You are being asked to participate in the survey because you are a healthcare provider who already addresses or soon will be addressing issues of genetic testing and genetic counseling with your patients.  The survey will provide us with information that will help us develop a Maine State Genetics Plan that incorporates useful strategies to assist healthcare providers with their patients who require genetic testing, genetic counseling or other services.


The survey should take about 15 minutes of your time. If you are interested in participating in the survey, please complete the survey by clicking on this link "Maine Genetics Plan Survey".   Please complete the survey within one month. If you have any questions about the survey or development of a state genetics plan, please call Dale Lea at 781-2098 or e-mail 


We greatly appreciate your consideration of our invitation to take the survey to help develop a Maine State Genetics Plan.



Ellie Mulcahy, R.N.C.

Director, Maine Genetics Program, Maine Department of Health and Human Services

286 Water Street, Augusta, ME 04333



Transition of Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dear Colleague:

We are writing to ask for your help with a project investigating the transition of young adults with ASDs from pediatric to adult medical care and their experiences in accessing the adult health care system. The study through the University of Southern Maine will involve participation in a single focus group of medical providers, primary care and specialists, who have any contact with adult patients with autism. 


Separate groups will  be conducted with young adults who have autism and their parents. The information obtained will  be used to design tools and educational materials for use within medical practices.  Your identity as a participant will be confidential and you will not be asked to provide medical information on any patients. A $25 stipend will be paid to each attendee.   

If you are interested in participating, please call Barbara Wirth 207-228-8467 or email her at Thank you for your interest.