Sept. 15, 2010
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In This Issue
Save-the-Date for MAFP 2011 Update
The National Children's Study Comes to Maine
Bucking the Trend: Primary Care Doc Practices Solo
New Presentation Opportunity at the 2010 Northeast FMEC Meeting
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Save-the-Dates!  April 7 & 8, 2011
2010 general sessionThe MAFP recently announced the dates and location for the MAFP 2011 Family Medicine Update - we will be at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Bethel, Maine

Check our website after January 1st for a complete schedule and registration information -
Make sure you are in this picture next year!

the National Children's Study Comes to Maine
Article Subtitle
The National Children's Study will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of 100,000 children across the United States, following them from before birth
until age 21.

The goal of the Study is to improve the health and
well-being of children.

Bucking the Trend:  Primary Care Doc Practices Solo

Maine Family Doc featured on recent NPR program - Judy Rovner of NPR comes to Maine to look at Primary Care and PCMH

Cathy Crute MD

There's a catastrophic shortage of primary care doctors who provide basic health care. And the need is expected to grow as more people receive coverage under the new health law. Dr. Cathy Crute (Maine family physician) is one doctor who is holding on to her solo practice in Maine (for the "Rest of the Story")

New Presentation Opportunity at the 2010 Northeast FMEC Meeting Oct. 29-31 in Hershey Pennsylvania

Especially intended for all physicians in practice, residents and medical students "Poetry of Life"

      "Nothing will sustain you more potently then the power to recognize in your humdrum routine or perhaps it may be thought, the true poetry of life.  The poetry of the common place of the ordinary man of the plain toil worn woman, with their loves and their joys, their sorrows and their griefs." -Osler

The Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) announces a new venue by which medical students, residents and practicing physicians may present patient stories they have recognized in the course of their relationships with their patients. Accepted presenters will be allowed a maximum of five minutes and five slides to introduce a memorable encounter/moment/relationship which has inspired their own passion to serve and care for others.

Presentations will be videotaped in a breakout meeting. The audience will consist of a small group of reviewers. The video-recording will be made available for others to view at a later date, e.g. on YouTube, the Family Medicine Digital Resource Library and the FMEC website. Up to 10 presentations will be selected for presentation at this year_s meeting.

Submissions are especially encouraged by medical students, residents, faculty and community based physicians who have been moved by an experience which has changed their lives and led to an even greater enthusiasm to pursue our healing profession. Potential personal identifiers of the patient must specifically be excluded.

A submission involves a single spaced, one page description of your presentation. A peer-review process will be used to select the 10 best submissions for presentation at the meeting.

Submissions should be made only by those who will attend the 2010 FMEC Northeast Region meeting. An award for best presentation in this category will be conferred on Sunday morning at this meeting.

Direct submissions and/or any questions to Richard Colgan, MD [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>


Use this area to provide your subscribers information about your organization.

Deborah Halbach
Maine Academy of Family Physicians