Legislative Alert - Help Protect Tobacco Prevention Funding
Press Release

Friends in Tobacco Prevention & Control:
We really need your help sending the message that prevention money cannot be raided. Please see the note below (from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids), share with contacts throughout your community, and let us know what kind of response you get by e-mailing the MAFP at
[email protected]

Memo 8/18/10 from Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids:

     The Prevention and Public Health Fund that is part of the new health reform law is our best opportunity to increase funding for critical tobacco prevention programs, but this fund is in jeopardy and we need your help to protect it.   A proposed amendment in the Senate eliminates the Prevention and Public Health Fund.  The amendment, sponsored by Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska, is expected to be the first vote taken in the Senate when it returns after Labor Day.  The amendment eliminates the Prevention and Public Health Fund and uses that money to address a small business issue. Whatever the merits of the small business issue, the Prevention and Public Health Fund should not be eliminated to pay for the cost of any amendment. .
     The Prevention and Public Health Fund provides critical funding to our state and local efforts to combat tobacco use.  At least $16 million from the Prevention and Public Health Fund was made available in Fiscal Year 2010 for tobacco prevention and cessation and tobacco control programs will be eligible to compete for an additional $32 million in funding this year.  While Congress is currently deciding how to allocate Prevention Fund money for Fiscal Year 2011 the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved as much as $100 million in additional funding for tobacco prevention and cessation for Fiscal Year 2011 through the Fund.  In addition, state and local tobacco control programs could also be eligible to compete for $220 million in Community Transformation Grants available through the Fund in the coming year. The funds made available through Prevention and Public Health Fund would support tobacco prevention media campaigns, state and community-based programs, and tobacco quitlines which we know are crucial to reducing tobacco use.
     It is critical that Senators hear about the Prevention and Public Health Fund while they are in their home states during the August recess.  We urge you to contact your Senators on your own time over the next three weeks and encourage you to urge your local partners to do the same.  Senators need to hear about the important tobacco control work being done in their community and what types of programs are being funded with this money.  Calls to district offices, personal meetings and questions at town meetings could go a long way to helping defeat this amendment.  
     Specifically, you can help defeat this amendment by:
1)    Looking up your senator's in-state office here (or enter address in your navigation bar:  (click "Home Page" on only your senator's profile and look for office closest to you and make the call. There is no need to contact representatives, only senators.)

2)    Sending an email message to their DC office here (or enter address in your navigation bar: )

3)    Attending any town hall meetings and asking them to not touch the Prevention & Public Health Fund

  • I oppose the Johanns amendment (#4531) to the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act because it would eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund that is in the health reform law (Affordable Care Act).
  • Funds from the Prevention Fund are going to our state and local communities and are being used to prevent kids from ever starting to use tobacco products and are helping adults who want to quit.  Reducing tobacco use is a wise investment and will save lives and health care dollars. (Give specific examples of programs in your community if possible.)
  • We know how to reduce tobacco use and states that have committed the resources have been successful but we need a national effort to make additional progress.
  • Regardless of the merits to the small business provisions of the Johanns amendment I oppose it because it would eliminate the Prevention Fund.  

Danny McGoldrick
Vice President, Research
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I Street, NW
Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
Phone:  202-296-5469  X3036
Fax:  202-296-5427
[email protected]


For More Information Contact:
Maine Academy of Family Physicians
Deborah Halbac, Executive Director
[email protected]