PSW New Logo 12_27_10

January 2011
School Safety News from Around the Nation
Safety Thought
Upcoming Webinars

Happy New Year! A new year brings new catalogs for PublicSchoolWORKS (PSW). New for 2011is the Personal Productivity Catalog and the Student Behavior, Intervention & Support Catalog. New courses include:


Personal Productivity Catalog:

-       Excel 2003

-       Excel 2007

-       Excel 2010

-       Outlook 2003

-       Outlook 2007

-       Outlook 2010

-       PowerPoint 2003

-       PowerPoint 2007

-       PowerPoint 2010

-       Word 2003

-       Word 2007

-       Word 2010


Student Behavior, Intervention & Support Catalog:

-       Teaching Children with ADHD - Academic Interventions

-       Teaching Children with ADHD - Behavioral Interventions

-       Developing a Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan

-       Developing a Comprehensive Behavior Management System


To learn more about these new catalogs email


School Safety News from Around the Nation

Each day, students choose to stay home from school to avoid being bullied. As a society, we should not allow victims of bullying to feel that they have to avoid school in order to be safe. Recently, members of the Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) at Northwestern High School (NHS) in Hyattsville, MD made plans to take their concerns regarding violence against students to law enforcement and elected county officials.


The PTSA members felt action needed to be taken to stop the violence and bullying occurring at their high school. They met with law enforcement and presented their concerns at county school board meetings. Even though Principal, Jerome Thomas, has taken action against students who commit violence on campus and in the community, he said the school needs more help from Prince George's County officials in order to curtail the incidences.


According to the PTSA members, Northwestern High School has struggled with a lack of security cameras in the stairwells, an inadequate number of security personnel, as well as gang activity within close proximity to the school. Gang activity often occurs in the fields behind the school bleachers. A fence previously separated the bleachers from the fields: however gangs tore the fence down. NHS' principal urged the school board to fund a new wrought-iron fence to keep students on campus and away from the bleacher area during school hours. The fence has yet to be funded.


What pressures do school boards face when deciding where to spend money? How can districts work with school boards to ensure safety concerns get funded? How can a school work with its parent/teacher association to raise funds for equipment that addresses safety concerns? 


Share your answers to these questions by joining the discussion on our Facebook:


Source: December 10, 2010


Safety Thought

Fraudulent activities committed by employees are a financial drain on a school system and can go unnoticed for quite some time. Without an online fraud reporting system, employees who notice fraud may have an uncomfortable time reporting it. A former Detroit Public Schools bookkeeper, Allen Swayze, was indicted in December by a federal grand jury on charges of fraudulently obtaining money from the district. United States Attorney, Barbara L. McQuade, said while employed at Breithaupt Career and Technical Center, Swayze issued $148,000 in fraudulent checks to himself and his company, Swayze Management Industries, between August 2006 and May 2009. If convicted, Swayze faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.


PublicSchoolWORKS Fraud Reporting System, which is a part of its EmployeeSafe Suite, provides school staff with the ability to file anonymous reports, complaints or suspicious activity. This helps schools address behavior that could otherwise go undetected for long periods of time before ever being investigated. Has your school or district been a victim of employee fraud? Share your stories with us on Twitter @PSWORKS.


To learn more about the Fraud Reporting System, contact PublicSchoolWORKS at 513-631-6111 or via email at


Source: December 9, 2010



When: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 @ 9:00 AM PST

Subject: Safety Training Made Easy! 


When: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @ 9:00 AM PST

Subject: Cutting Worker's Compensation Costs


To register for either of these 30-minute webinars, please contact Tom at 513-631-6111 x15 or via email at


About PublicSchoolWORKS

Since its founding in 2000, PublicSchoolWORKS has been committed to providing top-quality, practical and cost-effective solutions to the constantly changing environmental, health and safety requirements affecting the nation's educational systems. The company has gained an exemplary reputation for the innovation and technical superiority of its comprehensive and integrated safety and compliance management systems, which combine administrative software tools and resources to dramatically reduce the time and cost required to develop, implement, and sustain safety compliance programs. For more information visit us on the web at

If you have questions, comments or an interest in using a PublicSchoolWORKS program, please contact us at

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"Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it."  Author Unknown

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