
As-Salaam Alaikum. My name is Ayesha Ahmed and I am the Board Secretary for Muslim Women's Alliance. I wanted to take this opportunity to share my story of how I became a part of MWA and invite you to the Celebration of the Muslim Woman on March 11th (e-cared below). 


In 2009, I was told by a good friend about the 1st annual "Celebration of the Muslim Woman" Luncheon. Immediately I bought my ticket and became excited about the idea of an event dedicated to celebrating Muslim women who were changing their communities. After hearing the awardees for the 'Inspiring Muslim Woman' award speak, I felt an incredible sense of unity and pride in being a Muslim woman and realized that I wanted to become a part of MWA and like the women being honored, help make a difference in my community.


After graduating from law school and entering the workforce I struggled with finding a way that I could volunteer my time and skills to help others and build my spirituality and relationship with Allah as well. Through MWA I have been able to do this and so much more Alhamdullilah. MWA has also allowed me to meet women dedicated to uplifting and changing their communities and create amazing friendships with people I may not have met otherwise. Special times of the year like Ramadan have become even more meaningful thanks to MWA's annual "Ramadan Rush for Rewards" campaign.


MWA is a growing organization and its success and longevity depends on women like you, joining the leadership team and helping make MWA a force for positive change, building bridges and increasing a sense of unity and sisterhood between women. I look forward to meeting all of you on March 11th at this year's "Celebration of the Muslim Woman" luncheon and being inspired by our amazing awardees, entertained by the show and engaged by the featured artists and performers. 


Warm Regards,


Ayesha Ahmed

MWA Board Secretary 


Celebration of the
Muslim Woman
During Women's History Month in March, MWA
recognizes and celebrates the achievements  
of Muslim women. Join us for a motivational  
afternoon, a time for sisters from all over  
Chicagoland and beyond to unite, empower and inspire.

2012 MWA Inspiring Women Awardees

 Nour Akhras

Iffath Hasan
Hafidha, Scholar, Blogger


                       Ameena Matthews

MWA's Celebration Showcases:
A New Dawn of Style 
A Visual Presentation by:
Designer Studios, Luna Malik Banuri 

Featured Artists:
Bahar Azarmizad
Sarah J. Nasir

Featured Performing Artist:
Angela Salva
    Where & When
Sunday, March 11
12:00pm - Registration
& Networking
1:15 - Program Commencement


Marriott Oak Brook
1401 W 22nd St  Oak Brook, IL 60523

Tickets are $60 Buy Now 
Reserved Tables of 10 for $700 Buy Now

***Limited discounted tables available for masjids and
community organizations, please contact  
 To purchase tickets in person, Click