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Training in THIS Economy? Why Do It?
Sales and Marketing Manager Hired
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got robot? team,
April 2009

TTE Newsletter
April 2009
Training in THIS Economy? Why Do It?

Preparing for the future, building the company, and out-performing the competition are often company goals no matter what the economic climate is. Training Program Manager Ronald Schwarz is choosing during this current economic climate to prepare for the future. At the company he works for, Liberty Mutual Insurance, he is choosing to continue with training efforts and programs. Schwarz is taking advantage of the lean economic times to fill in gaps and be ready to act when the economy picks up.
     "Look forward in your training needs a year from now and put it in place now because you have the opportunity," Schwarz recommends.
In a white paper titled Training in Troubled Times that was recently released by the company MindLeaders�, Kristina Stiffler writes, "Want to gain a competitive advantage in a recession? Keep investing in talent when your competitor isn't." For Schwarz, investing in talent is about developing people and helping them grow in their skills and abilities so that they have more opportunities. Schwarz also enjoys getting people to think outside of the box.
     So what is Schwarz doing now at his company? Managers are getting out from behind their office desks and classroom walls to go on field visits. "This allows people to learn about each other and from each other in an informal real-world training situation," Schwarz says.
     Like many others, Schwarz uses Webinar technology as a delivery method for classes and workshops. "Twenty percent fewer people are currently signing up for classroom training because they have to travel, even if it's a day away. But, we've seen a fifty percent increase in the number of people signing up for online training and Webinars," he says.
     Technology has also become a part of the everyday culture at Schwarz's company with "job aides" and "computer pop-ups." A valuable approach anytime, but especially in a lean economy where people want to travel less and maximize time. Recently, Schwarz did a training session with managers on how to use an online system. "Afterwards we sent them a two-page document they could use to refresh their memory and always have available when they go through the process again," Schwarz says. He sees this especially handy when someone has completed a classroom training or Webinar and a period of time passes before the training is able to be applied. While "job aides" have traditionally been a paper document, Schwarz sees Podcasts playing a bigger role in the future. 
     For years Schwarz has followed a key principle - tying training to company needs and objectives. That has become even more crucial in today's economy. Schwarz suggests two things as a starting point - 1) find out what your company's goals and objectives are and then 2) review your training programs. Ask the hard questions. "Are the programs still meeting company goals and objectives?" "Is the training giving people the skills they need to move the organization into the future?" "What do we need to change, what do we need to re-do?"
     More information about tying training to company needs and objectives can be found in the article "Aligning Training to Business Objectives" by Elaine Biech. The article appeared in the April 2009 issue of the American Society of Training and Development's flagship magazine, Training and Development. The link for that article is below. Additional general training resources are also listed, as well as specific articles related to training when resources are tight. 
Additional Resources
"Learning in a Down Economy" article by Andrew Paradise and Jennifer Mosley
Training and Development Magazine, April 2009

"Aligning Training to Business Objectives" article by Elaine Biech
Training and Development Magazine, April 2009

Chief Learning Officer Magazine

Workforce Training Newsletter

LX Briefing Newsletter

InSync Training Web site

Talent Managment Web site

The Accidental Trainer Web site

Workforce Management Web site

Ronald SchwartzRonald Schwarz is the Program Manager for Training at Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. For over 30 years, he has consulted with Liberty Mutual customers regarding safety, training, and performance management issues. Since October of 2008 Schwarz has worked with Liberty Mutual's Loss Advisory Service's (LCAS) group developing skill assessments, internal training programs, and customer training programs. Before joining the LCAS group, he was a Technical Director of Training for the Liberty Mutual Business Markets Loss Prevention department.
     Schwarz works out of Rockford, Illinois. He is a professional member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, and also the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD). He is currently President and Program Manager of the Rock Valley ASTD chapter.   

Sales and Marketing Manager Hired

Sven Markert
Sven Markert joined the TTE team this month as the company's Sales and Marketing Manager. Markert's responsibilities also include business development for TTE.
     Markert graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Marketing. His background includes an international business internship in Stuttgart, Germany, through the AIESEC organization, and a summer study program in Utrecht, Netherlands, at Nijenrode University, The Netherlands School of Business.
     For 20 years, Markert has worked in sales, marketing, and management both in the U.S. and internationally. Fluent in English and German, he has a broad knowledge of multi-cultural business development. Markert presently lives in Mary Esther, Florida.

Sven Markert, Sales and Marketing Manager
Sales Team
847-592-6211 (office)
850-368-9583 (cell)

TTE in the News

Newspaper Image
Northwest Herald McHenry County Business Journal reporter Chris Freeman recently interviewed TTE President and CEO Terry Thompson. The article "Huntley Company Still Getting the Word Out" appeared in the Saturday, March 28, 2009, edition.

got robot?

got robot? team
TTE is sponsoring the Illinois got robot? team this month as the team prepares for its national competition. The got robot? team is competing at the U.S. Open Championship May 7-9 in Dayton, Ohio.
     The U.S. Open Championship is part of a robotic tournament series sponsored by the FIRST Lego� League (FLL). For more information about FLL, visit the FLL Web site.
     The got robot? team, pictured above, has five team members -  Kristen McKellar, Matthew McKellar, Bradley Rosenfeld, Marc Rosenfeld, Jake Urben. The team is coached by Michael and Carol McKellar.
     Got robot? previously won the 3rd Champion's Award at the January 2009 FLL Illinois State Tournament, as well as being one of the top eight table performance teams and a finalist in several specific award categories. At a December 2008 Regional Tournament, the team received the Judges Choice Award and was a finalist for the Research Presentation Award. To continue following the team's journey, visit the got robot? blog at

TTE Ready to Help

Did you know TTE is now able to transcribe from streaming audio? If your company has gone to streaming audio, let us know. We'd be happy to work on your projects.

Did you know TTE transcribes dissertations? Whether you're short on time or would just rather have someone else do the tedious work of formatting, we're here to help. Our skilled professionals are experienced in a variety of formats.

Administrative Work Piling Up?

Have you had to make changes to your administrative staffing in this economic climate? If so, IdeaScribe, your virtual secretary, is here to help. Call TTE today at 847-592-6211.

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Client Testimonial
I publish Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine in Alberta, Canada,
and in each issue I feature an interview between myself and some of
the biggest names in the personal growth field today. Due to the busy
schedules of these people, I often only get the interview completed just
days before we go to print. In that very tight timeframe, where efficiency
and accuracy is critical, TTE Transcripts really shines.
First, their customer service is always exceptional. When I send an
e-mail to let them know that I need an upcoming interview transcribed
within a certain timeframe, they always answer back promptly, letting
me know that they'll fit me in, even if it's on short notice. Then reliably,
within a day, I get the whole interview back, transcribed with amazing
and accurate skill. Having been a news reporter, I know the work
involved in this so I appreciate what they do tremendously!
I'm really so grateful to TTE Transcripts for their service. Knowing that
I have them supporting me, behind the scenes, makes my job so
much easier.

Connie Brisson
Publisher & Editor
Mosaic Mind, Body and Spirit Magazine, Ltd.

Sue Rosenfeld, Writer/Editor
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