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Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Alzheimer's Foundation and Senior Helpers Open AFA Affiliate Offices

ribbon cutting. AFA Sr Helpers
Senior Helpers of the San Francisco Bay Area opens an AFA C.A.R.E.S. Affiliate in Concord, CA


The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) and Senior Helpers, one of the nation's largest in-home senior care companies, are opening AFA affiliate offices within 11 selected Senior Helpers franchises across the country in an effort to respond to the growing need for education and resources about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. AFA Care and Resource Education Services (C.A.R.E.S.) affiliate offices will open their doors beginning this summer, including seven that kicked off on June 1. 

The one-stop resource centers will feature trained community educators who will provide information and resource referrals, a library of books, DVDs and other educational materials about dementia, caregiving and successful aging; access to AFA's licensed social workers, as well as initiatives and services nationwide; and various programs and events to educate and engage the community.  


The collaboration marks an immediate response to the nation's first Alzheimer's plan released in May, which calls for greater awareness and education about the brain disorder, delivery of care-related services to families, and public-private partnerships to accomplish objectives.


"This public health crisis demands immediate action to support families," said Eric J. Hall, AFA's president and CEO.



Government Wages Campaign to Curb Antipsychotics


Clinical Trial

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) last week introduced the Partnership to Improve Dementia Care, an initiative to ensure the appropriate use of antipsychotic medications for nursing home residents.  


This partnership, among federal and state partners, nursing homes and other providers, advocacy groups and caregivers has set a national goal of reducing use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes by 15 percent by year-end.



Senior, Disabled Gain Access to Long-Term Support


Nursing homeThe U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a $25 million initiative to help states administer and better coordinate state and federal long-term services and supports for seniors and people with disabilities. The funding, made possible by the Affordable Care Act, will support Aging and Disability Resource Centers in nearly every state.

In addition, the Department of Veterans Affairs' Veterans Health Administration made an additional commitment of $27 million over three years to provide veterans access to home and community-based services through ADRC programs at VA Medical Centers.  



News to Use

  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hosting a Seniors' Health Town Hall on June 11 at The White House to highlight what the health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, means for seniors and caregivers. The meeting will be live streamed, beginning at 10 a.m. (ET).
  • AFA will hold its next free monthly teleconference for family caregivers and healthcare professionals, Care Connection, on June 14.  Marguerite Manteau-Rao, LCSW, ATR, dementia care consultant and co-founder of Presence Care Project in Palo Alto, CA,  will present on "Presence Care Approach to Dementia Care." To participate, call (toll-free) 877-232-2992 and enter guest identification number 271004#.

News Updates

  • Moderate caffeine intake may protect against memory loss... A new study suggests that drinking about three cups of coffee or caffeine daily may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease or substantially delay its onset. Researchers monitored the cognitive function of a group of people aged 65+ with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) over two to four years, and found that participants who had significantly higher caffeine levels in their blood at the study's onset remained stable, while those with lower levels progressed from MCI to dementia. Read more...
  • New research points to role of cholesterol in Alzheimer's disease... A group of researchers recently discovered both the molecular structure of amyloid precursor protein (APP), a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease; and that cholesterol binds to APP and one of its fragments to generate the amyloid-beta that is linked to Alzheimer's disease. This study suggests that a drug that specifically blocks cholesterol from binding to APP may be effective in reducing amyloid-beta levels and, thus, prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease.  Read more...
  • Vitamin D may help prevent mobile difficulties... A new study shows that older adults with low levels of vitamin D had a 30 percent increased risk of mobility limitation and a two-fold higher risk of mobility disability, defined as difficulty or inability to walk several blocks or climb a flight of stairs, respectively. Vitamin D can be obtained from diet, supplements or sun exposure. Read more... 
June 7, 2012
Volume 5 Issue 12


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Alzheimer's Foundation of America
 Our mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals confronting dementia, and to their caregivers and families through member organizations dedicated to improving quality of life. 
Visit us at www.alzfdn.org or call us toll-free at 866-AFA-8484.

If you have a question or concern that you would like to discuss with a social worker, write info@alzfdn.org or call (toll-free) 866-AFA-8484.