Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass NewsletterVolume 75 - September 12th, 2012
Upton Bass
In This Issue
Marchand Bows

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Gary on Twitter

Our old Twitter account got so clogged with eBay SPAM, FaceBook Pushes and other non-human garbage that we shut it down.  Gary started a new account, tabula rasa, and it's real!  You may not care what beer or cheese he just ate...or you might...but I guarantee it's real and definitely entertaining.  Give him a follow...tweet tweet...



It's back!  OK...after a few shipping & customs glitches...our award winning Brescian is back on the Stonington showroom floor! 


The European Bass Convention held in Copenhagen in August was a huge success, not only for the organization themselves, but us as well!  We had two Brescians with us, and the one made out of English Sycamore that Gary and I entered into the tone competition tied for first place with the playing judges for tone!



While Gary has had a lot of "Gary's basses" over the years, this one is truly his as it's from his hand!  It is currently available (as Gary's basses often are) and ready for you to audition.  Stop by the showroom and hear what the judges heard when deciding to award it top honors. 


Gary adds Facebook posts all the time on our bass progress here in the shop, as well as our adventures in the creation of a new home for Upton Bass!  Gary is restoring a 1800's Witch Hazel mill on his property and turning it into a Post & Beam workshop.  Check it out on FaceBook - your feedback is always appreciated.  


Drop us a line any time. And remember... the best is yet to come!


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Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
The award winning Brescian, a solid maple one of full proportions, was made exclusively by Gary & myself to be entered into the tone competition where it tied for first place with the Krahmer brothers of E.M.Pollmann by the players jury.  On Friday afternoon there was a performance using some of the award winning basses.  Gary shot a few minutes with his iPhone, enjoy! 
BASS2012 in Copenhagen Double Bass Makers Competition Quart
BASS2012 in Copenhagen Double Bass Makers Competition Quart
Claude Marchand Bass Bows
 The Martin's always bring a bunch of bows with them to the ISB and European Bass Conventions, and they always sell out! Gary was quick to play through the bows in Copenhagen at the Bass2012 convention and selected a German & French bow and bought them right away! So although we will get more from the Martin's in future shipments, these first bows are hand selected by Gary...the cr�me de la cr�me!


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