The bass in flyer was stolen March 15 in Berkeley, CA. Help keep an eye out for it!
Contact Jesse Zoernig
Brescians, Brescians everywhere...
A common question lately is, "whats the difference between a UB Hybrid Deluxe and a Brescian?". The simple answer is they are the same. So what is the Brescian then? It's a bass where all the decisions have been made for you and conveniently packaged together.
The Brescian isn't the first bass we did this to though. In 2009 at the Pennsylvania ISB convention we had a good selection of basses with us, and Lynn Seaton went through each bass saying what he liked about each. This "wish list" of features became the "Bostonian", which was a UB Concert with all the decisions made for you. The Bostonian became a success for us and is still one of the most popular Concert basses we make today! With so many choices in building your bass, it can get a bit overwhelming...and sometimes it's just nice to look at a finished bass and say "I want it just like that!".
New basses, like the Brescian and Bostonian, are in the works. We've recently added our "Bohemian" bass and soon you'll be seeing our "Concord" & "Mirecourt" models as well. So...stay tuned!
Gary adds Facebook posts all the time on our bass progress here in the shop, as well as our adventures in the creation of a new home for Upton Bass! Gary is restoring a 1800's Witch Hazel mill on his property and turning it into a Post & Beam workshop. Check it out on FaceBook - your feedback is always appreciated. Drop us a line any time. And remember... the best is yet to come!
Eric Roy Upton Bass String Instrument Co 860-535-9399 |
Upton Bass Boston Workshop Did you know our Boston Workshop is now FULL-TIME!?!? Stop in and see the AMAZING inventory of NEW & VINTAGE basses and meet Joshua, our showroom manager. Drop him a line anytime: josh@uptonbass.comOpen Tuesday through Saturday from 10a to 6p at 1108 Boylston Street. |
New Standard Cleveland www.uptonbass.com We are very pleased to announce that New Standard basses will now be available through Upton Bass! We have a showroom model "Cleveland" in Stonington ready for your audition! If you've been curious about New Standard basses, we welcome you to pay us a visit and hear one for yourself.
Modeled after a highly sought-after American-made bass which is no longer available, the New Standard ClevelandTM fills the gap between inexpensive student basses and premium but fragile carved instruments. Truly a professional bass, it responds equally well both pizzicato and arco. The string length is reasonable (42"), the construction is strong, and the body design produces a punchy, deep tone. |
The Infamous Stringdusters YouTube " Here's some slamming grass with a psychedelic jam in the middle!" - Travis Here's a great video with Travis Book playing his UB Travel Hybrid! |