Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass NewsletterVolume 58 - February 25, 2012
Upton Bass
In This Issue
Wood Hitting Floor
UB on YT

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Just sending out a quick blast on a Saturday afternoon! We've added a short Youtube video of Gary carving the top of a bass we're all looking forward to.

Fueled on nothing but instrument-making passion and 5 Guys cheeseburgers,
we're forging ahead with the hopes this instrument lives up to it's promise and heady inspiration.

This will become our first example of the "Brescian School" model, a large hybrid with deep ribs, a flat canted back, violin corners, and Kennedy f-holes on a Deluxe top - a tribute to the large beautiful basses of Northern Italy.  Our humble cause: to string up this honker and rattle the floors!

We'll keep you posted as this bass is completed and bring you video of the results.  Anybody looking for a big cannon of a bass take note!

Please let us know your impressions as we break in


And as always, the best is yet to come...so stay tuned!!!

And remember, if you have a favorite video clip, performance, or multimedia piece that is double related you want to share with me (and several thousand of my closest friends), please eMail me at eroy@uptonbass.com.  Thanks!

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Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Wood Hitting The Floor at UB HQ!
Gary carves! YOUTUBE
Gary carves the top of what will be our first "Brescian School" model.  If you ever wondered what goes into carving a Deluxe top, please enjoy this short video!  Click on image to watch>
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