 "Hi!" Cold where you are? We were spared the frozen, tree-falling mess further inland last week. For this latest freak storm, we kept power and kept turning trees into the instruments we love the most.
From the regular (see plywoods below) to the exotic (5-strings, removable necks, C-extensions, restorations) - the variety of builds going on lately has kept the work very interesting.
The big news now....after many years with the website...we have rebuilt it!
The best is yet to come...stay tuned!!! And remember, if you have a favorite video clip, performance, or multimedia piece that is double related you want to share, please eMail me at eroy@uptonbass.com. Thanks!
Eric Roy Upton Bass String Instrument Co 860-535-9399 |
New Upton Bass Website  Our new redesigned website is up! We hope you will find it clear, straightforward and easy to use. Of course, it was built for YOU, so...thoughts, feelings, suggestions? Please let us know! sales@uptonbass.com
Now Building: Standard Laminates! Limited Production Year-End Batch of the "Basso Rasa" Some were distraught this summer to learn we were cooling our production of all-plywood basses. Well, we started building a few expressly for the climes of Alaska and Northern Maine and have slots for a few more - let us know quickly if you're interested! Limited upgrades available. The "Standard" is a gamba-pattern, round back bass in medium walnut matte finish with all of the ergonomic enhancements and the same setup as our finest instruments. |
Bass Causality YouTube Looks like the Adam Ben Ezra video/double bass/performance covers are catching on! And with video editing software getting in more hands, you too can put together a killer video! Hmmm...maybe we need a contest? What do you think? Let me know! eroy@uptonbass.com |