Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass String Instrument Co NewsletterVolume 47 - September 15th, 2011
Upton Bass
In This Issue
Prescotts Going
Prescotts Arriving
Gary's Bass #?

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Basses in basses out...that's how it goes.  Just when you are getting used to one it's off to the next owner and a new bass seems to take it's place.  The 1841 Prescott that came in a few weeks back got a small overhaul and it's off to the new owner ready for another 170 years of service!  Congrats Glenn!

The "void" of the 1841 Prescott has been filled with an early Prescott...so the Abraham love continues here at Upton Bass.  It's interesting to see the common elements of the Prescott shop from bass to bass...and has makers it's nice to see the progression, the refinement, the "searching" the Prescott workshop did over the years from bass to bass.  It reminds me in so many ways of Upton Bass and the journey we are making (and will continue to make) as luthiers.

An old friend left us recently.  Well, not really old mind you...but "Gary's bass", the striped back Professor Deluxe I made in 2010 has gone on to it's new home.  "Gary's Bass" started off as Gary's pick of the litter in a batch of European flatbacks.  He played it all the time, and whenever someone came into the shop they would ask what it was and we would say, "that's Gary's bass...it's not for sale, sorry".  Well...everything is for sale I guess when your a bass shop...so eventually someone would want it enough and Gary would part with his bass.  Eventually "Gary's bass" became interesting things I would build for him...trying new ideas or pushing our limits as makers.  This time, however, "Gary's bass" is much different in the sense that Gary specified everything about the bass!  English in body pattern, Italian in scroll outline with French inspired varnish and tuners and those signature Prescott American ff holes...Gary's NEW bass is almost done.  Will he sell this one eventually?  We'll see...we'll see. 

Enjoy your weekend...

The best is yet to come...stay tuned!!!

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Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Prescotts Going...
We've posted new pictures of the restored 1841 Prescott on the vintage page - click on the picture for more!



...and Prescotts Arriving!

Here's our newcomer in the shop  - Click on the picture for our feature page

Gary's Bass #?
We've lost count... How about, Gary's Next Bass! 

A Concert Deluxe in the making: