Got a bunch of submissions from readers this week! Thank You!
This weeks "non-bass" related clip is one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time. I kind of feel bad laughing at it though...I have been in that orchestra...and we were all trying so hard! Still...with the images striped away you can just listen to the "music"...and enjoy the sadistic humor in it. My applause though to the Hanson brothers, my conductors from junior high and high school, who endured me when I sounded this bad, and stuck with me so I could sound good. Without Ken and Richard Hanson as teachers and mentors, I would not be where I am today. All my respect to all the music teachers reading this right now.
So, without further ado, I bring you some Friday night double bass goodness!
And remember...if you have ANY links, news, videos, etc. you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com and I'll be sure to share it. Oh...and if you just want to say "Hi" you can do that too!