Happy Friday everyone!
It's been a busy few weeks with our own videos...from Prescott restorations and water damaged Juzek's to C Extensions...I seem to be grabbing our camera more than my block plan these days! Check them out!
Last week it was the Octobass...this week it is the Bazantar. What will next week bring? If it looks like a double bass or acts like a double bass...or you can't identify what it is but it somehow says "bass!" to you...send me the link!
So...without further ado, I bring you some Friday night double bass entertainment!
And remember...if you have ANY links, news, videos, etc. you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com and I'll be sure to share it. Oh...and if you just want to say "Hi" you can do that too!