Workshop Shot of the Week
 Happy Friday everyone! Synchronicity. I mentioned it a few weeks ago in reference to Putter Smith. It happens often in my life I find. I had a dream this week where someone I have not seen or heard from in years made a brief appearance, and the next day that person sent me a friend request on FaceBook. It also happens that I keep day dreaming of building an Octobass. I have no illusions of selling it...just the challenge of making it and the obvious marketing draw of having something like an Octobass on your showroom floor! The Synchronicity part is two subscribers sent me in links to Octobasses this week. It must be a sign. What was that movie quote, "if you build it, they will come...". Someday...maybe... So...without further ado, I bring you some Friday night double bass entertainment! And remember...if you have ANY links, news, videos, etc. you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com and I'll be sure to share it. Oh...and if you just want to say "Hi" you can do that too! Have a nice weekend! Eric Roy Upton Bass String Instrument Co 860-535-9399 |
MIM Phoenix, AZ - Octobass YouTubeMatthew Hill, Curator at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, Arizona, demonstrates the Octobass.
La follia-arcangelo corelli variation for octobass YouTube Variations of "La Follia" played with an octabass, a very rare instrument
invented in the year 1849 by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume. The instrument used
in this video is actually a replica of the only one existing in the
world, conserved in the Music Museum of Paris.
Giovanni Bottesini GRAN DUO CONCERTANTE YouTube Hello Eric, I met you last summer when I got my Double bass appraised at the Stonington shop. I just wanted to pass on a video I found on Youtube that I figured you might enjoy and/or want to put in the Upton Report.
It's A fantastic version of the Bottesini Gran Duo Concertante for Bass and Violin. The two performers really play it well, and they ham it up a little bit as well (just enough shmaltz to make Bottesini proud).
I hope you enjoy, and maybe even have a look at my own bass performance on my own channel. Here is me playing the first and second movements of the Eccles Sonata:
Thanks for the Upton Report, as well as the repair videos regarding the Prescott bass. I'm quite interested in both!
Alex V. |