I got a lot of emails last week (a lot more "out of office" ones as well!!!). The subject?
The Mingus video. I'm not sure if the reaction to last week's video was due to the content, or the artist himself...or both? Now...I did give warning about the language...but the context of some of the eMails were more in objection to Charles Mingus himself. Sorry to see a few of you go...
Moving on...
The Willie Dixon piece this week is great. My wife, Kristin, is at the kitchen table sitting across from me sewing a birthday crown for my daughter as I type (She'll be 6 on Monday), and she commented on the audio. I know she is always listening when I am playing stuff...but rarely does she comment. Just a peaceful moment listening to the crickets and Willy on a cool summer night in July.
I'll be on vacation next week...so you'll have to live without "The Upton Report" for one week...but that gives you two weeks to forward me links and news...so the July 30th issue should be a big one (hint, hint).
So...without further adieu, I bring you some Friday night double bass entertainment!
And remember...if you have ANY links, news, videos, etc. you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com and I'll be sure to share it. Oh...and if you just want to say "Hi" you can do that too!