Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass String Instrument Co NewsletterVolume 6 - 2010
In This Issue
Renaud Garcia Fons
Bass Quartet
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I don't get out much.  Too busy making basses and with small children at home a good night for me is being able to sleep through it!  I think the last live Jazz performance I saw was Phil Palombi's group Tri- Fi at last years ISB convention.  So I was very excited to see that Smalls Jazz Club in NYC has a live feed of the stage for the world to see!  I know I'll be checking it out!

The Newport Jazz Festival is in August, still a ways off...but I was looking at the lineup and my days off and I think Gary and I will be at the show for Sunday August 8th to Check out Herbie Hancock, Chris Botti and Wynton Marsalis, just to name a few.  We would love to meet some other Upton Bass fans if you're in the area!  Let me know!  http://www.newportjazzfest.net/

So...without further adieu, I bring you some Friday Night double bass entertainment!  This week's video submissions were heavy on the Arco!

And if you have any links, news, videos, etc you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com
Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Smalls Jazz Club
Live Video Feed: Live Video Hours are 7:30 PM to Close EST
Smalls Jazz Club
Watch a live Jazz performance from your desk at Smalls Jazz Club!  Smalls was created in 1993 by jazz impresario Mitch Borden, a former nurse and the son of an art-gallery owner. The original Smalls was a raw basement space that quickly became the late-night hangout for a multi-generational assortment of jazz musicians...

Thanks to my friend and customer Dan C. for posting this on FaceBook!
Renaud Garcia Fons - Berimbass
Hi Eric,
Great job on the Upton Report - I'm enjoying it :)
Here's a submission for you:
All the best,
Renaud Garcia Fons Arcoluz with Kiko Ruiz
Renaud Garcia Fons Arcoluz with Kiko RuizAnother from Andy!
A Night in Tunisia -The Bass Gang
A Double Bass Quartet

Live In Vilnius 28 Sept 2008
A Night In Tunisia by D.Gillespie & F.Paparelli
transcribed & arranged for D.Bass 4et by A.Pighi
Phil Palombi
Gary Karr's endorsed bass!Phil was a tone judge at last years ISB convention and played out at nights in a local club.  Phil is a joy to watch play, he smiles from ear to ear the whole time and you just know he loves every minute he is doing it.

Be sure to check out Phil's group Tri-Fi