I don't get out much. Too busy making basses and with small children at home a good night for me is being able to sleep through it! I think the last live Jazz performance I saw was Phil Palombi's group Tri- Fi at last years ISB convention. So I was very excited to see that
Smalls Jazz Club in NYC has a live feed of the stage for the world to see! I know I'll be checking it out!
The Newport Jazz Festival is in August, still a ways off...but I was looking at the lineup and my days off and I think Gary and I will be at the show for Sunday August 8th to Check out Herbie Hancock, Chris Botti and Wynton Marsalis, just to name a few. We would love to meet some other Upton Bass fans if you're in the area! Let me know! http://www.newportjazzfest.net/
So...without further adieu, I bring you some Friday Night double bass entertainment! This week's video submissions were heavy on the Arco!
And if you have any links, news, videos, etc you want to share, eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com